Immigration & UU activism @revnaomi #uu

Jul 31, 2011 01:58

I participated in a tweetchat tonight hosted by Rev. Naomi King, interviewing UUA moderator, Gini Courter, and antiracism, antioppression activist, Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo. I had trouble with the storify site where Rev. Naomi posted the transcript of the conversation & I know a lot of my friends & fellow UUs don't use Twitter. I hope Rev. Naomi doesn't mind my copying it here (I had to use another browser to access it). This version omits icons, Twitter timing, and the extra text of hashtags that might add to the download time for slower computers/connections.

This conversation includes a protest in Arizona that occurred last year and is on trial now, actions that are taking place throughout the country by UUs and interfaith organizations in support of the human rights of immigrants, and it also mentions plans for our first ever Justice General Assembly in Arizona next year. Several links to more information are included.

Love Calls Us: Immigration & People of Faith By Rev. Naomi King

1 year after the National Day of Noncompliance, UUA Moderator Gini Courter & the Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo shared lessons learned & faith that makes a difference, via a tweetchat July 30, 2011.

Chalice Lighting
Lamp of Refuge illuminate our hearts & deeds until we welcome every one safely home.

Tonight's tweetchat guests are two people who were part of the National Day of NonCompliance 2010 and who are leaders in our Unitarian Universalist faith: the Rev. Wendy von Zirpolo and Unitarian Universalist Association Moderator Gini Courter. Many thanks to them for taking the time to share reflections and encouragement for bold faithing in love for mercy, justice, and refuge.

So we're a year + 1 day out from the National Day of Noncompliance. What faith lessons have we learned?

We have UU folks hunger striking for immigrant rights in Georgia....

One lesson ~ it's national. It was never just about Arizona

Great point! Immigration issues are a national & a global concern

Julia Morris is on a "Paso e paso hacia la paz" witnessing on Standing on the Side of Love

One lesson is around using our power. We can use our activism in AZ to draw attention to the national issue

One thing i found valuable was using the larger container of 'human rights' to get folks frightened by 'Immigration' as an issue

Immigration issues are definitely humanrights issues

One way to grow good local partnerships as a faith community is working with Congregation Based Community Organizing (CBCO).

We can be building local networks - find the immigrant organizations in your community and ask how our congs can best help.

Building local networks sounds really important! How do you build trusting relationships?

15% of UU congs are doing CBCO. It's a great place to start, as many Interfaith org groups are working on immigration.

CBCO = Congregation Based Community Organizing

If you engage in CBCO, you will learn how to build solid relationships across faiths & across cultures for justice

If your church is not doing CBCO, find out why they are not. We have a voice, but it's multiplied when we work with others.

Great idea to do work locally. We have CASA de Maryland, though it's not a CBCO.

We need the grounding and accountability that local work provides. Look for opportunities to work WITH, not FOR.

A year later, protesters at the National Day of Noncompliance are still standing trial. Deportations continue. Deaths and exploitation continue.Reply Retweet News from Fridays trial btw, it continues on Monday

Where can we learn more about the trials? Do you have a good resource?

re the trials i can give an update. there were two actions --- the Wells Fargo action had their cases dropped.

the Maricopa Jail -- i pled and paid, Susan Frederick Gray & some others are awaiting a decision, Peter Morales & Sal Reza continue Mon

Re Monday - it's the same judge that is waiting to decide the other cases. Regardless of decision, Peter & Sal are talking to press

Democracy Now has been covering the trials

Last group of protesters standing trial in Phoenix - The Washington Post

How do we invite folks into immigration as an issue of faith and living on the side of love?Reply Retweet Secure Communities is a great way in for everyone. Check and see what's happening in your state and who is involved.

Communities is this ICE (Immigrations & Customs Enforcement) Program

a thing that has impressed me is hearing how many UU congregations were already involved in these issues #uualtoaz

@NDLON has a site devoted to Secure Communities & immigration activism: AltiPolimigra

Secure Comm is so important, along with the DREAM act and other legislative attacks aimed at immigrants and others

What have you learned that will help us in Justice GA '12?

a lesson from AZ+ GA 2010 is that we can collectively imagine a way to use our faith differently ...

How differently? In what ways are we being called as people of faith?

differently in that the call isn't to gather 'as usual' for our business, but to gather to act/engage/equip

Sounds like we're being called into living a bold way of love, not only in Arizona, but all over the place.

as a person of faith,it has become unconscienable to turn away from the issue of immigration reform&related abuses

Right. We just passed 1 million deportations in 3 years. Families apart. Deaths in crossing. #uualtoaz

back to Sec. Com-this is an excllnt way to build relationship w/local partners engaged in imgrtn reform & human rights.

Accountability in Partnership Makes A Difference
Tell us about what accountability in partnership means - the challenges, the joys.

#1 accountability requires asking what help looks like rather than arriving with what we imagine or believe it is.

#2 accountability requires honoring relationships within UU community as well and addressing pain&oppression w/in.

actblty starts at home. Ask who is here & at what price? who's missing? Then - How do we hear faith calling? why? how respond?

UU internal accountability partners: Allies for Racial Equity & DRUUM

How's it going with our local partners in Arizona, as we prep for Justice GA 2012?

Justice General Assembly 2012 - Unitarian Universalists in Partnership in Arizona and Everywhere: Beyond Borders
Some congregations are planning groups to bus in to GA 2012

GiniCourter, As our Moderator, what does it mean to you for us to faith differently for GA 2012?

re: local partners Justice GA: AZ immigration ministry is holding mtg next month with Puente and other local partners.

UUA Board holding a Justice GA Design Mtg in Sept.: Puente, NDLON, Somos, GA Plan. Comm, AZIM, Accountability Grp, Admin, Board

Puente Arizona
NDLON (National Day Laborers Organizing Network)
Todos Somos Arizona
AZIM - Arizona Immigration Ministry (prt UU Phoenix)
General Assembly (GA) Planning Committee
GA 2012 Accountability Group
Unitarian Universalist Association Board of Trustees
UUA Administration

JusticeGA2012 = opportunity to use UU power to alter the conversation about immigration: 2LOVE4JUSTICE

You called for this huge group of people to meet together. would you share why again publicly please?

UUA Board inviting many to plan JusticeGA2012 so it will be justice convergence Puente invited UUs to hold.

PuenteAZ - invited us to be faithful actors for bold love nxt June?

UUA Board inviting many to plan JusticeGA2012 so it will be justice convergence UU congs voted to create.

JusticeGA2012 must be an accountable justice convergence, not "us" helping "them" but a larger, more inclusive us.

There are real consequences for our action and our inaction.
128 known deaths on AZ border since last June

What do you do with the anger & grief from so many deaths & so much exploitation?

the ? about anger & grief is difficult. That's where our faith can support us, not w/answers but with certainty we must continue

Earlier this week, the National Council of La Raza met in Washington, D. C. Immigration issues were important at that meeting, particularly a call to stop deporting DREAMers - youth & young adults who largely grew up in the United States and want to pursue higher education in the U.S., but are frequently prevented, barred by various laws to access opportunities their high school classmates share. Our faith is tested in these struggles.

How was your faith tested a year ago, in the middle of the struggle?

What does it mean 2LOVE4JUSTICE vs. 2 love 4 our self-image, or 2 love 4 good press coverage, or even 2 love 2 make a difference?

How do you answer that question? I note big differences for 2LOVE4Justice & other near enemies of faith named.

i remember a bumper sticker sed something like "if you're not angry you're not paying attention"

for me it was a test of whether or not i could place my body on the line for what my soul knew was required.

What did that test feel like then? Over the past year? As you look forward?

it felt like the exact right thing to be doing as a person of religion, as an ally, as a human being ....... as a UU

but it's important to say that as a white, older, woman wearing a clerical collar, my body was ALOT safer than most

You've named the privilege of less injury. Who's at greatest risk here?

we witnessed a latino man beaten & the discrimination of latina and other women of color was constant in jail

Thanks for bringing the privilege of less discrimination & less hurt home. That's a good example.

GiniCourter, How do you cultivate the faith of risking in love for merciful justice rather than the near enemies you named?

We need a practice grounded in acts of love for other vs. love for self.

Acts of Faith Test Faith
How do you practice that grounding in acts of love for others? What do you do as people of faith?

and back to local lessons, in building relationships around Secure Comm in MA, I have witnessed hate&heard of other abuses.

the grounding of love for othrs comes from faith. we have to resist this nationwide effort to 'other' people.

love our neighbors, love the Holy, love our kin, love the stranger, the exile, & the enemy?

Singing together has long been a way we ground ourselves & find courage to risk in love.

Singing and praying together best. After CD, there was dance schduled. Txs to Nick Allen, Mitra Rahnema for vigil at Jail.

CD in this context means Civil Disobedience.
we have to see mothers, grandfathers, aunts, siblings, babies... as people who sing lullabies, hold hands,laugh,cry,

@times i find it difficult to love those harming people but by focusing on loving those being targeted, love prevails.

re: tests of faith in July 2010 - hardest were the many times that our sense of "us" was condensed.

Unlike milk, condensed sense of community isn't usually sweeter.

What do you mean by that? How does "us" get condensed? Isn't that everyone?

Condensed sense of us = 29 people were arrested on 7/29. Faithful sense of us = 82 people were arrested on 7/29.

Some went home after all UUs were out on bail. Others vigiled until everyone who would be released was out. Who is our community?

There is a big diff between the two sense of community. Accountability & love means the bigger sense, eh?

There is a huge diff btw 29 and 82, and one we UUs are still learning. We say everyone counts. Well then, keep counting!

Love doesn't ask for papers or membership rolls.

love requires we see each person as person

No one goes home until everyone's in. So that's one big learning: expanding capacity to stay the distance.

How do we expand that capacity to love more boldly, for others, with others?

Expanding capacity is 1 way, sharing capacity another. Our partners have huge capacity. The larger us has yet more.

by making it clear that this is our saving message. through such bold love we save ourselves, each other, the world.

Secure Com is just one of the natl tactics & local partners are countering it with story and relationship & that's hopeful

indeed. There are lots of tactics to keep us fearful of each other & apart.

Edwin Markham, a Universalist poet and social activist, wrote an epigram to remind us of the practices of love in times of hate, fear, and exclusion. "Outwitted" is from The Shoes of Happiness (1915):

He drew a circle that shut me out -
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.
But Love and I had the wit to win:
We drew a circle that took him in!

and if salvation isnt accessible language, alas! Just kidding - how about if we're serious about Beloved Community we bestgetbusy

Sometimes "Beloved Community" = "condensed us". What do you mean by "Beloved Community"?

Beloved Community

a barrier to effective witness elsewhere is an unwillingness and/or fear to witness in our own communities and congregations

UUs are willing to travel elsewhere to do justice when injustice inhouse goes unnoticed orignored,more harm thn good is done.

Building Beloved Community is long-term work - in our comfortable spaces, in the streets, in the workplace, in the out-of-work-places. Closing Thoughts

You've been wonderfully kind to share with us tonight! What parting thoughts do you want to impart?

Love builds up and unites; hate tears down and destroys. The aftermath of the ‘fight with fire’ met… (cont)

too often we depend on those most marginalized to bring attention, tear it down - or leave. Allies have to step up.

Stakes are high -- -faith calls ---

There is justice work 2b done, not just in AZ, but in communities across the country.

What does it mean 2LOVE4JUSTICE where you live and work?

Chalice Extinguishing
Our faith calls us to cross borders, to welcome the stranger & the exile, & live on the side of love.

Many thanks to our guests, watchers, and participants in tonight's tweetchat. Keep the faith, keep lovin', keep growing real accountable local partnerships. If you need Immigration Help:
in Florida - Florida Immigration Advocacy Center
American Immigration Lawyers Association offers pro bono services

The New Sanctuary Movement - learn more & support ways congregations are helping families in need and danger

Living on the Side of Love - learn how you can faith in love for more merciful justice

links, social action, immigration, universalist, uu. unitarian

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