On My Way Everywhere ~~ 02 ~ Commuter Line, June 22, 2014

Jun 23, 2014 16:35

One thing I noticed from the operation of Commuter Line in Jakarta... It became a way of recreation for families on weekend...

Berangkat lebih cepat untuk menghindari "rush hour" kepulangan orang-orang yang "berekreasi" dari tanah abang. Naik kereta tangerang-duri line, turun di duri dan naik jatinegara-depok (kali ini).

Mulai dari tangerang-duri gerbong khusus wanita sudah penuh ibu-ibu dan anak-anaknya. Mereka naik berombongan dan ramai... sibuk mencari tempat duduk... ^__^ Gerbong sebenarnya tidak penuh dan masih banyak tempat duduk jika mau duduk berpisah-pisah, celakanya mereka maunya duduk bersama-sama sehingga mereka berkumpul disatu tempat, berebut siapa yang bisa duduk... hihihi... mothers scolding over excited children for fighting for the seats... and it happened right next to me... well, I just got up and went standing near the door leaning on the metal bar... so they can have my seat and still fighting over who can sit... hahaha...

I didn't know where they were going, but I assume it was a form of recreation, going to visit relatives using train as Indonesians customs, or went to a very early shopping spree to Tanah Abang, well who knows...

Another thing I noticed from the passengers of Commuter Line was the way they sit...

I always sit in the woman's carriage, so I don't know how passengers in the other carriages sit. Well, there were no seating arrangements for the seats, not even the marking of how many seats there were on one side, so basically as many as the seat can take, right?

So, this is the highlight for this week: (i wrote this in Indonesian-English for the effect ^^)
Perempuan seharusnya duduk secara baik, in terms of baik means duduklah rapih, kaki tertutup dan tidak mengganggu orang lain. Yang terjadi adalah, banyak dari mereka yang duduk slouching alias merosot dan kaki "maaf" terbuka lebar seperti laki-laki! tidak perduli sekitar and playing with their smart phones... dan masih muda pulak! geleng-geleng kepala sayah.... Mungkin capek ya, mungkin perjalanan jauh yaaaa, tapi engga pantas seperti itu. Tidak harus seperti putri solo atau putri raja duduknya, tapi at least sit the way a woman should sit, and in the public place too... manners manners... kalau orang kesandung bagaimana coba... ckckck...

That's all ^^
Let's meet next time...

on my way everywhere

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