Title: Fire
Characters: Oshitari Kenya, Zaizen Hikaru + Shitenhouji characters, Osamu and Sakaki
Prompt: 074 - Fire
Summary: X-men setting. Zaizen is a pyromaniac, Kenya can run faster than the speed of sound, Shiraishi manipulates force fields, Chitose is a telepath, Kin-chan manipulates the weather, Koharu is a genius (okay I was lazy with him)
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Comments 28
I do love Zaizen referring to Kenya as, "the poor dear." *snickers*
Very nice! And I like the AU setting :-)
Though really that's more me than Zaizen... because really, the poor dear |D
Thanks though! C: And I like the setting too, I was tempting to do another thing from it but... I don't know where so we'll see.
I don't know where else to say this but I love your other Kenya fics, too! Thanks for writing so much love for Naniwa's Speed Star~ ♥ Can't wait to read the upcoming ones in the challenge!
Ah, I love Kenya far too much XD;;; It's kind of worrying. Hopefully I'll get more written! I have outburst then go quiet for a year |D It's kind of bad really...
Glad you enjoy though! C:
;o; No worries. Your fics are reeeeeeally hot good so it's worth the wait. ^^
Even though I already follow the tenipuri comm here, would you mind if I added you? :3
;u; Thank you! ♥
Of course I don't mind! C:
sdjcbasdwemsijkeknjmcwjdnert amazing!!!! <3
dkjngkn Glad you like though! :"D <3 It was for you, after all ~ ;D
Thank you a million times over, omg!!! <3 <3 <3 <3
You're welcome! :D I'm kind of tempted to do more with this ah... 'project' I guess. I like the concept :">
makes me happy to see a ZaiKen fic~
they aren't easy to find.
i always see KenZai, but i picture ZaiKen more~
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