Yea so my mom came home last night and we were talking about Lebanon, and Im all excited obviously and I had cooked dinner and all that other good stuff. We were sitting outside eating when she looked at me and said "what would you say if i had a date?" And my response was "what? No!" Apperently she got asked out on a date and she wants to go. I didnt know what to do or how to react besides at least telling her no that i dont approve. I dont want my mom going out on dates. That bothers me. She knows that. Ive told her before. But Ive always thought to that no one would ever want to becuase shes so damn bitter about EVERYTHING! And plus she hates people.
But thats not even the jist of it. When my parents divorced she would always tell me she would never date again. And now all of a sudden she said that she got asked out and she said YES! WHAT THE FUCK IS UP WITH THAT???? I asked her when it was. She wont tell me. I asked her what his name was, and she wont tell me. Shes like just make sure the house is clean. I dont want him coming here and finding a dirty house. And my words next were.... "WOOOOW HES COMING HERE??" And she said yes after. But why do you care beucase you wont be home. What the hell. Why is it that all of a sudden she wants to go out on dates? Whats she after. She hates people. She hates MEN! She knows that they are just going to hurt her. It makes no sence.
But what gets me even more is that she seems to be hiding everything. She wont tell me anything. Just that someone asked her out and she said yes. I want to be happy for her but I just cant. It bothers me. I dont want her to. You never know how this is going to turn out. What if she falls for this guy? The next thing i know she will be bringing him home for a "family" dinner. She will fall for this guy and either wind up married again, or getting hurt. I dont want either. I hate the idea of my mom dating again, and I hate the idea that things could end up with me having a step dad. I mean I already have a step mom and shes just a big fucking house wrecker who i hate and call sunshine becuase she smokes has bad breath and yellowed teeth. Its desgusting.
But its annoying. I mean one day last week she comes home and someone at work told her she looked hot, and was distracting. Then the other night after band and color guard practice a friend of mine just jokingly said that my mom was hot. And Im like WTF dont say that. And now shes being asked out on dates. WTF!!! I know Im probably being selfish but i dont care. My mom is NOT hot. She dresses like an old lady. All of her clothes are like from the 80s. Even she agrees that her clothes suck monkey balls. I love my mom to death, but a date? WHY!!!!??????? ARGGGGGHHHHH I HATE THIS AND SHE DOESNT SEEM TO CARE!!
What do I do if it turns into something serious? I hate this and she knows I hate it. But shes doing it anyway. Im not ready for this. Im just not.