Someone found out that Myspace image addresses are easy to guess, so I wrote a little script that displays a random picture every 3 seconds. It's hypnotic to watch, like drying paint. A bit like real TV.
Thankyou for that, it's just provided myself and my boyfriend with several minutes of quality amusement. In fact, I think I've now watched more MyspaceTV than actual TV this year.
Nicely done :) I suspect more entertainment could be had with the easily guessed addresses too. Like are they sequential/easily predictable at the top end, so you could do a 'latest pics' feed?
Not sure... There are a /lot/ of servers with images on (they're numbered with 3 digits, so there's capacity for a possible 999 servers), and it wouldn't make sense to sequentially fill them (as this would put huge load on the most recent server and next to no load on the others, long tail style
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that is seriously so fuckin wierd, the second image i got come up with of a guy wearing a tshirt of my old housemates band, what are the fricken chances of that??
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