I'm hot, aren't I?
Anyway. So yeah, Myspace depresses me. I keep running across profiles of people I don't care for (or more likely, profiles of people who don't care for me) and it makes me sad.
LoL, I just realized that I made fun of Sarah unintentionally. I was ranting about how "I don't care about what you ate today or how many units of exercise you did!!!" And then, after looking on my friends page a bit, that Sarah was the one who did that all the time. I'm sorry Sarah, I love you! I feel like an asshole. Oh wait, that's right, it's because I AM! :-\
Brokeback Mountain is finally at Showplace 16. If anyone wants to see it tonight, give me a ringy-dingy, though I know no one will. I <3 you all anyway.
Listening to Jamie Foxx makes me want to fuuuucccckkkkk. Speaking of which, there's this girl from East who's got a mad jones for me. I find her to be kind of boring, but she's cute.
And that's really all I have to say tonight.