So if you didnt know Chris Williams is going to be Vanessa Drag Queen Impersonator on Ugly Betty, to make it better AL DRAG QUEENS REUNITE!! LOL also in the eppy are RuPaul(LOVE HER and the show its on logo), Epiphany, Peppermint, Varla Jean and Candi Shell. according to justin bond. Exicited much but there is more on another site EW there was a comment that someone was an extra and that....wait for it...Vanessa Williams will infact SING!!!! They said there is a "mix-up" with Willie and Fake Willie which i can totally see happening and if exucuted properly might be one of the AWESOMESS things to happen on Ugly Betty!! But again people lie, but why lie about being an extra at least bump yourself up to costar!! lol Cant wait