in my retarded glory =D

Sep 05, 2005 15:24

Despite my dear punching bag maggie's warnings of its retardness, I just downloaded the GSD Phase 46 sub, just to spite her royal bitchiness. And because I was curious.

XDDDDD Yeah, I think this episode was a bit retarded, but it was kinda amusing nevertheless. I'm not her biggest fan, but I thought Lacus was cute in this episode. For me, anytime she shows anger/annoyance its a refreshing change, and adorable of course ^^ This episode really showed she was a normal girl at heart, and I particularly like how she got sulky and offput about Kira's lackluster comments about her outfits >=D So cute. <3333 Kira's not the smooth talker at all whatsoever. Oh well. He was still cute. (What wasn't cute were the outfits. They look so old-fashioned.)

Hmm its really too bad Cagalli couldn't have went with them and had some fun. I understand she's got her responsibilities, but all the poor girl has done is work and work for ORB, and she hasn't smiled once in this series since episode 8. I could totally see Lacus making her try on dresses and her getting all embarrassed/mad xD With weird shopping music in the background too. Maybe Gloria Gaynor's "I Will Survive"? XD

And RIP Meer. I think I actually enjoyed her, even though her glomping could be very vexing. With Meer, I was torn between amusement and annoyance xD. I wish they could've done a bit more with her character, though. Ah well. I wonder how her new song sounds like? Supposedly she's getting a new song called EMOTION.

Oh yar and I re-watched some SEED episodes and strangely enough I've come to love Fllay's character the second time around. I didn't dislike her; she never really annoyed me, and she was quite intriguing and fun (it was kinda amusing to watch her play Kira *dodges arrows*), but I never cared much for her character. But after watching Destiny, and having seen the potential of so many characters get wasted, I guess I learned to appreciate her. She really is a rich, complex character with so many layers. So I decided to make her a colorbar, since I can't seem to find a Fllay colorbar anywhere.

Fllay is tragic love!
from v_siggy_us_haha

Oh yeah and school is coming up and preparing for it is a b*tch. I know all you have to bring is a binder, some papers, and some pens/pencils on the first day, but I want to get this FAFSA form done and the autobiographical essay for my college application. And I want to cut my college list down to a semi-final 6 or 8. Senior year seems so hectic, so I want to get over with as much as I can for now. I am not looking forward to graduation practices. I don't even want to go to my graduation. You just go there to go up at a stage to get your diploma and thats it. You can always get your diploma or whatever later. And sometimes you don't even get to go up on stage if the graduating class is too big or too small; sometimes it only the really, really smart or hardworking kids that get to go up and get their award etc. for their job well done. In both cases, going to graduation is pointless for me. You just sit there listening to a bunch of people, some of whom can't even sing, sing a bunch of corny sad songs for a couple of hours. And you listen to teachers give a speech about how awesome it is we've come this far and how much they'll miss us when we're gone. Please. Most of them will probably forget our names years later. And its nice they're congratulating us and all - and I know I should be appreciating their effort to honor us or whatever - but I personally would rather just be spending the day with family or friends somewhere else doing something more fun than sitting in a stuffy auditorium listening to tone-deaf people myself included and a bunch of dull, repetitive speeches or sitting outside in the summer heat in a baggy gown among other graduates in the same baggy gown. In all honesty I think the graduation is more special to the parents than most of the students, and the only reason I'd attend my own is because my mom would want me to.

Oh and I finally got my lj header up!! ^___^ YAY!!!!! I miss my old layout, but akirou_chan made it for me, and tiara_hikari edited it for me, so I have to display all their hard and glorious work!! XD Try and guess all the characters in the banner first and you'll get a virtual cookie/a surprise.

Oh yea: and I'm being annoyingly persistent, but people at the seed_bdays comm, SIGN UP FOR INTERNATIONAL DRUGGIES DAY!!!! *evil Mangekyou Sharingan glare* Shiny Orgasm Crotch and Phantom Pain are counting on youuuuuu
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