Fair City, and creatures of great import! A tip of the hat to you, Gods-of-the-place.
...an announcement. Please send your subsequent ball invitations for the Fuhrer's foremost orchestra at:
Opera Abandoned
Rue de Guerre
Pass the Second Rat Hole, then First Failed Trap, to the Left.
Come see us. Come audit. We'll play for you.
The first slice should - naturally - go to our esteemed
Lieutenant, who devotedly gave his all to secure his fellow musicians a modicum of a meal and a humble abode. May the Furies bless you, Lieutenant.
We would also desire to take this opportunity to express our utmost gratitude to Herrs Erik and Fakir for their assistance with our moving procedures and their warm reception.
Thank you, gentlemen.
[ ooc: why yes, those are Ahiru's ducks above. And yes, they took over the Opera Undergrounds. ;__; ]