(no subject)

Mar 24, 2004 14:44

What is your name?: Meagan Spooner
Are you named after anyone?: Er... my middle name, Amelia, is after Amelia Earhart...
What's your screename?: snuggle817CH
Would you name a child of yours after you?: Hell no.
If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: Um...
If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: SOPHIE. I love the name Sophie. Except I suppose it's not actually her name... So... Gloria. Thara. I like both those names. Mostly I just hate my name. o_o;
Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: Not so much, though I get the occasional Meeeeegan. Mostly mispellings up the wazoo.
Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: Can I change my name entirely? Yay pen names!

Your gender:: female
Straight/Gay/Bi:: Straight
Single?: Yes
If not, do you want to be?:
Birthdate:: July 5
Your age:: 18
Age you act:: Durr... Probably like, seven. Or something.
Age you wish you were:: 18?
Your height:: 5'11" (No taller, dammit! I swear!)
Eye color:: Brown
Happy with it?: I used to want green eyes... but... whatever. Don't care so much anymore.
Hair color:: Red
Happy with it?: Pretty much.
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Right-handed
Your living arrangement:: Dorm. Scary but still tolerable roommate.
Your family:: Mom, dad, sister, various extended relations...
Have any pets?: My babies! I mean... my cats. Icarus, Calliope, and Orpheus. And then the bird, who we've had for... what... six, seven years? We still haven't named him. Mostly we call him 'the bird' or, if we're feeling formal, 'Mr. Bird.'
Whats your job?: Student
Piercings?: *shudders* No.
Tattoos?: Are you -kidding-? Have you seen me around needles?
Obsessions?: JOHNNY DEPP-- I mean... BtVS/Angel, pirates, anything vampires, SPIKE, music, WRITING, Neil Gaiman... um... lots of other things...
Addictions?: See above.
Do you speak another language?: Er... not actually. I used to pretend to speak French, and now I can't remember five words. I still sometimes pretend to be able to sort of speak a little Japanese...
Have a favorite quote?: Only about a thousand.
Do you have a webpage?: Hah. Not so much. Maybe eventually the Lazy Fangirls, Inc. website will happen.

Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it (Oh -god-, do I have to?)
Do you live in the moment?: Er... does that mean no procrastination? Cos, uh.... maybe I could answer this question tomorrow...
Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: Yeah! Well, I try to be, anyway... I guess everyone has their prejudices. I try to ignore them, but I probably fail all the time.
Do you have any secrets?: No! I'm completely open about everything ever! I never conceal anything! And I never have! Honest! *cough*
Do you hate yourself?: Not most of the time. The other 2% I vaguely wish someone would kill me to rid the planet of my existence, but really... 2% is very small! And most of the time I think I'm better than everyone else, so it's all good.
Do you like your handwriting?: I... could care less. I don't really look at my handwriting so much.
Do you have any bad habits?: I bite my nails. Even when I try fun things like tabasco sauce and turpentine-flavored nail polish to get myself to stop. I just end up with a nasty taste in my mouth, and possibly very thirsty.
What is the compliment you get from most people? Um... At college I tend to get called funny some times... most of the time people don't compliment me, though. o_o I guess TJ friends say... I'm a good writer? o_O I don't really know.
If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: How I Learned to Fail at Life. Only it'd be a comedy, because my life is! Actually, I have no idea...
What's your biggest fear? Well, I have a phobia about spiders... but I doubt that's the question. I suppose what terrifies me is dying without having left something of myself somewhere... having nobody love me, at the very end of things.
Can you sing?: I guess... not -well-, but I sing along with guitar.
Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool? I pretend to be someone else every day so I can look like I'm not an antisocial dweeb! I play the role of this girl who can actually, you know, function in society and talk to people intelligently! Some days I do better than others. o_o But it makes for a very exciting time! And lots of wild gesticulation and 'thing' yelled in a very loud voice.
Are you a loner?: Er... sort of. Definite introvert, though now and then I get a craving for friendship.
What are your #1 priorities in life? See above... friendship. And leaving something of myself. Maybe it's why I want to write? Leave stories behind that people might read twenty years down the road?
If you were another person, would you be friends with you? I think I would get along with myself if only because we could sit and watch Buffy all day long and never have enough spare time to fight! But other than that... I think I would piss myself off.
Are you a daredevil? Me? Take a risk? I start shaking at the thought of walking into the dining hall by myself.
Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself? ....doesn't everyone have things they hate about themselves? I can list way more things I absolutely loathe about myself than I can about every other person I've ever met combined. XD But that's life.
Are you passive or agressive? Passive.
Do you have a journal? Well... I have writing journals, for creative writing. And my LJ, which only gets sporadic posts.
What is your greatest strength and weakness? Weakness: selfishness and forgetfulness. Strength: um... writing? I can't think of other things I do well. Maybe music... Maybe reading people? I can usually tell when someone's upset about something. (Not that it takes much skill with most people...)
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? More self-confidence.
Do you think you are emotionally strong? Uh.... not so much. It's unfortunate. I'm pretty fragile, actually. XD
Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life? Yes. Always.
Do you think life has been good so far? Pretty much, yeah. There've been rough spots, but overall... I'm -really- lucky with my life. Mostly... the future is what I'm looking at. Maybe it's selfish to want that much, but I can't help but hope it's better.
What is the most important lesson you've learned from life? It's unfair. But it's also wonderful.
Do you think you are good looking? Well, there was this one time where I was all dressed up for... wait a sec.... No. Not so much.
Are you confident? I don't think "no" is a strong enough word...
What is the fictional character you are most like? Er... I'm rather like Sunshine/Raven/Rae in McKinley's "Sunshine," except I'm more like her perceptions of herself. She's a -lot- braver than I would be in her situation. XD
Are you perceived wrongly? I don't know how people perceive me... but I've never really felt like anyone's seen me the -right- way. But I don't think anyone feels that way.


Love and All That
Do you consider love a mistake? I don't get this question... No, not at all.
What do you find romantic? Rain, hot chocolate, thunderstorms, low lighting, the beach at night... um.... lots of things, really. Situations.
First kiss? Er... Yeah... kinda, a couple of times, but I don't really count them. Honest. They didn't count.
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: Yes. I think it also depends on the guy... it could be cool to just hit it off right from the start. But mostly, I like to be friends first.
Have you ever wished it was more socially acceptable for a girl to ask a guy out: I guess so, sure, but I don't think I'd ever have the confidence. I might get pissed off enough that I'd do it out of sheer frustration (I've been there before, believe me) but... I'd do it whether it was socially acceptable or not.
What's the last present someone gave you? Er... to be completely honest, I can't remember. Actually, I think Meg's dad gave me a chocolate bar from Ireland at the beginning of spring break... does that count?
Are you in love? I hate that question. How the hell should I know? Next question!
Do you consider your significant other hot? My significant other... who... SO doesn't exist? Um. If someone WAS my significant other, I'd definitely consider him hot... but... hah. Oh well.

Who Was the Last Person...
That haunted you? What kind of question is that?
You wanted to kill? I don't think I've ever -actually- wanted to kill someone. Actually, I know that for a fact.
That you laughed at? Icarus! My kitty. He's so dumb.
That laughed at you? Er... yesterday I visited a friend from my last job and regaled her with stories about my college, and she laughed... but not really at -me-. Probably... myself, I suppose.
That turned you on? Er... I don't have to answer this question. You know who you are. *cough*
You went shopping with? Becky! We bought cool coats together!! ^_^
To make you cry? Again, I don't have to answer this one. Same answer as two questions ago.
To brighten up your day? My mommy!
That you thought about? Umm... my mom, who I thought about last question... but before this quiz started? And who aren't fictional characters on a TV show? Umm... I honestly couldn't say.
You saw a movie with? I saw 50 First Dates with Liiiiz! ^_^ Such a cute movie!
You talked to on the phone? My dad.
You saw? My mom. (Are we seeing a pattern here? o_O)
You lost? What is it with these questions I can't actually answer publicly?

Right This Moment...
Are you going out? I have to go take out the trash soon... does that count?
Will it be with your significant other? Hell, the day I find a guy willing to take the trash out with me is the day I... uh... I dunno. Explode. Or turn into a kiwi.
Or some random person? Unfortunately, trash-taking-out seems to not attract people wanting to chat.
What are you wearing right now? Er... I still haven't gotten dressed after waking up, so... ¬_¬ A t-shirt?
Body part you're touching right now: My elbow's sort of on my knee... I sit in my chair at home all curled up.
What are you worried about right now? Dropping off t-shirts at a friend's house. Long story. Stupid parents.
What book are you reading? Sunshine. OMG, Con. She tries to make him sound all dead and ugly and scary and instead he just sounds sexy.
What's on your mousepad? Er... apparently on the mousepad at home there is a frightening-looking cat. It's... green. And sort of purple. And it's glaring.
Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling: Bubbly but only superficially cheerful.
Are you bored? Not really. Mostly procrastinating.
Are you tired? Not really. Mostly procrastinating.
Are you talking to anyone online? Not really. Mostly procrastinating.
Are you talking to anyone on the phone? Not really. Mostly... argh. These are dumb questions.
Are you lonely or content? Er... are these supposed to be mutually exclusive? I'm not completely lonely, nor completely content.
Are you listening to music? Nope. But vaguely taking breaks to play guitar. Currently practicing "Isobel" from Dido's first album.


So... I suppose that since it's already 3 PM I should probably get dressed and try to do something constructive. More constructive than having my brain slowly eaten by FFX-2, the most horrendous yet addictive game ever, with the occasional break to watch Firefly. Bah. Off to... buy groceries. o_o Milk. Pomogranate juice. Bread. Did you know pomogranate juice looks a lot like blood? I mean, a lot. Um. Maybe I've been reading too much Sunshine...
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