So I had a dentist appointment at 9 am today. It's kind of a fubar time for my messed up sleep schedule, considering that lately I have been mostly going to bed at 5 am and waking up at 3 pm. I'm running on three hours of sleep right now, but somehow I don't feel quite tired enough to try going back to sleep.
So this morning, they took a mould of my teeth and a bite record so that they can make the temporary fake tooth to fill the hole after I get my extraction next Wednesday.
I'm hoping when I get the extraction that they'll be able to put in the implant right away, but we'll see. The bone may need to heal up for several months first. Which reminds me, I should really take calcium supplements. They didn't tell me to, but it seems like a good idea. I think I usually only get like 2 servings of dairy per day, which isn't quite enough, especially since I'm a woman and I take birth control pills, which puts me at a higher risk of bone loss.
The dentist said my gum tissue around the dead tooth looked kinda iffy. Depending on how it heals up after the extraction, I may be sent to a gum tissue specialist to get a graft of healthier tissue done. Wheeee.
The other thing that happened at the dentist was I mentioned how I thought I should whiten my teeth, and the dentist said I should definitely do that before I get the permanent crown made for the implant if I'm going to do it at all. That will be at least six to nine months from now, so I have some time, though I was told I should get it done at least a month before I get the crown made in order for the color to settle.
I actually thought it was kinda funny because when I mentioned whitening, he really seemed to indicate that it was a really good idea, which is kinda insulting almost, hehe. My teeth aren't hideously yellow or anything, just not as white as I'd like. Of course, he might just have been saying it was a good idea because it's his business and he wants money.
Anyway, he gave me two pamphlets of the two whitening procedures that they do. One is a treatment where they make trays for you and you wear the gel overnight for two weeks ($350), and the other is a one hour in-office procedure where they put on peroxide gel and treat it with a special light ($500). Personally I'd lean toward the cheaper one, because hell, it's cheaper (though both prices seem reasonable when it comes down to it) and they're supposed to both have about the same effect. I think I'll check them out on the internet just to see if there seem to be major pros/cons to either one based on what people are saying.