I was sitting on a bench outside with a friend, talking to her and my dad. A really tall truck drove by with a red samsonite suitcase sticking up out of the top. The suitcase fell out and right into my arms. I was all excited for a free new suitcase and started going through it. It somehow transformed into an RV or something, and I was searching through the cupboards because it came fully stocked and ready to go. In the cleaning cupboard, there were even trash bags, windex, and a bunch of other stuff including some weird wire that I knew was meant for cleaning the engine, but I asked my dad what it was for. The wire transformed into a hemp necklace with metal beads on it, and my dad took it and ate the hemp part.
I also had a dream that there was some major event downtown. Some middle aged guy on rollerblades decided to climb a really tall downtown building. I talked with him beforehand. Then, I guess he fell, although I never witnessed it, because I was taking care of him in the hospital. They transferred him to some place in Ohio for surgery, and I went, too. Once they took him away for surgery, I had to come back to MI.