So November sucked. On top of my uncle dying the month of "Thanksgiving" seemed determined to take away what little we have to be thankful for. Namely money to buy food and a functioning vehicle to fetch it with. The threat of our house being sold out from under us reared its ugly head again. Crappy month.
December wasn't much better. One evening we were driving around lost on our way to our cousin's hockey game. We missed it, and our chance to deliver presents, by two hours. Eventually they stopped by and i introduced them to the
Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbooks. Genius!
I loathe holidays. Particularly the commercialized variety that get crammed in my face every year. I don't think convincing children to believe that a fat old omniscient pedophile gnome king will sneak into their houses in the middle of the night to give them presents if they sit on his lap is cute or magical. Geh no! What is wrong with some people? Teach the kids not to talk to strangers but if the strangers are wearing some identity-concealing ugly costume it's ok to let them get pawed at? Seriously, WTF?! I'm so glad my parents were as appalled by that idea as i am. *shudder*
I am also irritated with the calender. Civilizations around the world figured out the intervals between phases of the moon, the length of the year, the equinox's and solstices and so on. I'm sure extraterrestrials could figure it out, too. So why do we count from some arbitrary date? Bah...