Darkest Darkness Sequel

Nov 22, 2006 17:00

When I Love, I Love

After the band breaks up, Ville and Mige go out for a drink and a chat, and decide to give themselves another chance.

Ville watched his band walk out of the small room, shoulders slumped, heads lowered. He sighed deeply, running a hand through his hair, cut short now that it was starting to thin. “Fuck,” he whispered.

“Hard to believe it’s over, hm?” Mige sat down beside him, thinner now, laugh lines round his eyes and mouth. “Twenty years…” He put an arm round his best friend’s shoulders. “Are you okay?”

“I don’t know,” Ville answered, being honest. “I mean, I’m not angry; Lily missed his little girl growing up, Burton wants the chance to be a father… How can I want to deny them that?” Suddenly his face crumpled. “The music stopped, Mizee. It’s not there anymore.”

Mige made shushing sounds, drawing the younger man closer. He sighed softly; his own wife had left him eight years ago, claiming she was sick of coming second to the music, and Ville still couldn’t keep a relationship going to save his life. “We did good, Vilpertti. You did good.”

Looking up at the bassist, Ville gave him a watery smile. “We did, didn’t we?” He laughed softly. “And now look at us, old, worn out. Your hair’s gone grey round the temples…”

“And yours would be as well if you didn’t dye it, you vain thing.” Mige shrugged, smiling. “We deserve to be old and worn out. We aren’t twenty years old any more, Ville. We deserve the break.”

“But wasn’t it great when we were twenty?” Ville sighed, remembering touring in a tiny vans and buses, the near constant shows. He remembered nights spent in Mige’s arms, the room silent except for the sound of skin on skin, sounds of passion…. Except that wasn’t right.

Arching a brow, Mige looked at his now giggling companion. “What the hell is funny about all of this?”

“Remember Juska always pounding on the walls for us to be quiet? And how we never could…”

“I always had trouble controlling myself around you,” Mige chuckled, kissing Ville’s temple. “Come on; let’s go get drunk. We deserve that, as well.” He stood, pulling Ville up with him.

Ville leaned into the man who was still his best friend. “Yeah, I think we bloody well do.”

In the bar, after a few drinks, Ville looked down at his beer, picking at the label. “I don’t know if I ever said so, but I’m sorry about Vedrana leaving.” He peeked up at the other man’s face. “I know I made you all miss so much…”

“Don’t, Ville. We wanted to work that hard.” Mige smiled reassuringly. “Besides, Vedrana knew when we got together… She knew the music would always come first.” He shrugged. “She deserved better.”

“So did you,” Ville whispered, eyes glued to his beer bottle again. At the touch of gentle fingers under his chin, he looked up, caught in ocean blue eyes. “I’m sorry,” he babbled. “I can’t help it… I just.. Fuck, Mikko, I’ve been in love with you since I was fifteen, and here I am, forty-whatever, and I just can’t fall out of love with you.”

Mige’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh, honey-“

“No, baby. I was- It was always baby.”

Smiling gently, Mige brushed his thumb over Ville’s cheek. “You were always my baby. I remember. I just.. had no idea you still felt like that.” He sighed softly. “I wouldn’t give up what I had with Vedrana for anything. But… Sometimes I feel like we threw out something really good.”

Treading carefully now, Ville tried not to grow too hopeful. “You said once… After the band was over… That maybe- That we-“ Blowing out a breath, he just spat it out. “Come home with me tonight?”

Biting his lip, one look into Ville’s eyes decided it for Mige. “I’d really love to.” He clasped Ville’s hand on the table, watching that well loved smile bloom on the younger man’s face. “Let me know when-“

“Right now. Let’s leave right now.” Ville stood eagerly, laughing softly at himself. He held out a hand, urging Mige to his feet. “Will it be cliché to say I’ve wanted this for so long?”

“Me, too,” Mige confessed quietly. He exercised all his will power, determined not to grab his former lover and snog him senseless in the middle of the bar. Ville apparently had no such inhibitions, and Mige felt a soft pair of lips fitting to his own exactly the way he remembered.

“Who’s place is closer?” Ville breathed, moving back half a step. The kiss had barely lasted a second, but it left him craving more, that familiar feel and taste of his best friend on his lips and tongue.

Mige steered Ville out of the bar, looking up and down the street. “Yours. Although that’s still too fucking far.” He reached out to clasp Ville’s hand, putting both in his jacket pocket, forcing them to walk hip to hip. “Did you mean it-“

“Did I mean what, sweetheart?”

“Forget it…” Mige flushed slightly, amazed to find he felt like he was twenty-two again. He buckled under Ville’s steady gaze. “You said I was the love of your life. Did you mean it?”

Ville scoffed, obviously finding the question ridiculous. “Of course I did, you big oaf. I don’t say things I don’t mean.” He stopped to reconsider. “Not to you, anyway.” Giving Mige’s hand a squeeze in his jacket pocket, he grinned. “Big, bad Mizee, asking all these girly questions…”

“Shut up, you.” Mige reached out to poke at Ville’s stomach; his companion was still thin, but he had filled out, bones no longer poking through his skin. He was quiet for a few blocks. “I haven’t done this in a really long time.”

“Me either,” Ville murmured. “Not- Not since Bam.” He remained silent for a while, remembering the wreck he had been when Bam had fallen during a stunt, cracking his head. It had been touch and go for a while, but finally Bam had stabilized, though he had never been quite the same.

Letting the other man go off into his own world for a while, Mige made sure they were going the right way, pulling Ville’s out of other people’s paths. “We don’t have to do this…”

Turning his head to give Mige a brilliant smile, Ville nodded. “Yes, we do. I mean- I want to. I want you. God, I’ve been waiting so long for you. If you don’t want this, you need to tell me right now.”

“That depends…” Mige caught the hurt look on Ville’s face and almost regretted the joke. Almost. “Are you still too shy to ride me?”

“Right through the mattress, love,” Ville growled, picking up the pace. He lit a cigarette one handed, his first in nearly four hours. The doctors had finally won out, and he was down to less than a pack a day.

Mige knew him all too well. “Don’t be nervous, baby. We used to be really good at this.” He smiled as Ville choked out a smoke filled laugh.

Once inside Ville’s flat, they both hesitated, suddenly finding their shoes very interesting. “So, uhm…” Ville peered up at Mige, then snickered. The snicker soon turned into his full blown, braying laugh. “Come here.”

Rolling his eyes, Mige stepped closer, immediately being pulled into a gentle kiss. His arms came round Ville’s waist, squeezing a bit. “Jesus, I had no idea how much I missed that…” He leaned in again, eyes fluttering shut.

Moaning softly into his friend’s mouth, Ville quickly fell into their old roles. He went limp, wrapping himself round Mige’s form and letting him hold most of his weight. Arms round the older man’s neck, he rubbed gently against his chest and groin. “Mizee,” he breathed, kissing just under his ear.

Letting one hand drop to grab a handful of Ville’s ass, Mige sighed softly under the attack of lips and teeth and tongue against his neck. “Can we take this somewhere other than the middle of your sitting room? And I’ve still got my Wellys on.”

“Don’t care what you’ve got on at the mo’… It’s all coming off in about five seconds.” Ville pulled away, grabbing Mige’s hand and leading him to the bedroom. Pushing off his jacket, he slid his hands under Mige’s shirt, drawing it up slowly. “You still gonna try to hide from me?”

Mige forced his self consciousness aside. “No. Not from you.” He let Ville strip his slowly, kissing and nuzzling the favorite haunts of his chest, where hip met thigh… When he was completely bare, he started to return the favor. He grinned ruefully. “We sure as hell aren’t twenty anymore.”

Ville smiled and shrugged, running his hands over the broad chest. “You’re still gorgeous.”

“And you’re still deranged.”

Their tattoos were stretched a little, and there was a bit more skin than they had previously seen on each other, but they came together as naturally as they ever had, perhaps falling to bed with bit more caution. Slow kisses turned heated and hands ceased to be shy.

Ville rubbed against Mige, closing his eyes at the first contact. “Oh, darling, I’ve missed you.” He leaned up for another kiss, sucking lightly at the older man’s tongue. One hand skimming down the familiar body, he gripped Mige’s cock, stroking and squeezing.

Catching Ville’s hand, Mige found his lips again. “Slow. I want to savour every second of this.”

“You always want to go slow.”

“You always needed me to.” Smiling gently, Mige rubbed his nose against Ville’s. “We have all the time in the world, baby.” Sliding down lower, he wrapped a hand round Ville’s cock, mouthing over the head, tasting him after so long. “You taste just like I remember.”

“And you still feel wonderful.” Ville closed his eyes as his best friend’s lips slid over his prick, sighing softly. His voice dropped to a ragged whisper. “Can I say that I love you?”

“I wish you would.”

“God, I love you, still love you so much,” Ville breathed, writhing under the expert attention of Mige’s tongue and hands. “Little teeth?” he asked breathily.

Mige grinned, scraping his teeth up the silky shaft. “That’s new.” Hearing Ville groan, he stopped caring and used his teeth again. “Love you…” Holding Ville down by the hips, he continued sucking, using his tongue.

“Oh, god, Mimi….” Ville reached down to grab Mige’s hand, drawing two fingers into his mouth. “Want you so bad, please, oh-“ He sucked greedily at his former lover’s fingers, shivering as they rubbed over his tongue, his teeth.

Smiling at the familiar wonton begging, Mige gave Ville’s bottom lip a pinch as he pulled his fingers away. “You haven’t changed much… Still a slut, begging for it…”

“Only from you, only ever from you, goddamn, Mige!”

Mige kissed him deeply as he slid two fingers home. He pulled back to watch Ville’s face, the brief expression of pain telling him exactly how long it had been. Then the pleasure hit and he caught his breath at the sight before him.

Ville wasn’t beautiful, not like he had been at twenty, but he had aged well, and was more than handsome. Mige kissed his face, his neck, mouthing over heated flesh. “Slick, baby. Where is it?”

Fumbling open a bedside drawer, Ville rummaged around blindly. “Know there’s some in here…” He finally came up with a small tube. Slicking his hand, he reached for Mige’s cock again, making sure he was well coated, trying to concentrate with those thick fingers sliding in and out of him maddeningly slow.

Grunting as he was shoved onto his back, Mige looked up at a slightly wild eyed Ville. “Easy, baby. I’m an old man now.”

“Oh, don’t say that. That makes what we’re about to do quite gross.”

He caught Ville’s eye, and in a second the two were giggling like boys. “Still as crazy as ever. C’mere, baby.” Mige pulled Ville down, kissing him slowly, still stroking his hands over the globes of his ass.

Straddling the older man, Ville licked into his mouth, pulling back to position himself. He slid down the length of Mige’s cock, gasping at the stretch and burn. “Oh, my god, that’s fucking brilliant.” He leaned down for another kiss, nearly purring under Mige’s fingers.

Mige rested his hands on Ville’s hips, gazing up at the singer. “I love you.” He groaned deeply as Ville’s began to move. Keeping his eyes on his lover’s face, he watched those pretty eyes flutter shut. “Look at me, Ville.”

Obeying without a thought, Ville smiled down at the beautiful man beneath him. “Love you back,” he whispered, leaning down once more. After a slow, heated kiss, he pulled back enough to whisper. “Warm up’s over, darling. You ready?”

“Oh, jesus….” Mige’s eyes widened in surprise as his wrists were pinned on either side of his head, Ville grinding down into his hips hard as he stared into his eyes. The younger man was keeping his promise and riding him through the mattress. “You need Burt’s cowboy hat- Oh, my fucking god…”

Ville smiled and slowly loosened clenched muscles. “You’re supposed to be incoherent by now. Guess I’ll have to try harder.” He teasingly licked Mige’s lip before sitting up and bracing his palms on the broad chest beneath him. Getting his knees under himself, he began a fast up and down, making Mige’s eyes roll halfway into his head.

“Ville… my baby…” Mige ran his hands loving over Ville’s hips, up to his chest, tracing each tattoo he came in contact with. He reached up to pinch his lover’s nipple, slowly, hard. Watching the younger man hiss out his pleasure, grinding down hard on Mige’s cock, he moaned deep in his chest.

Moving quicker, Ville gave a twist with his hips, both men gasping and groaning. “Love you, honey, Mizee, love you…” He was slamming down hard, making that quiet whining sound in the back of his throat.

Smiling at that familiar noise, Mige reached down to grip Ville’s prick, squeezing once before starting long strokes. He thumbed over the head, slicking him with his own liquid. “Come for me, baby. Want to feel you…”

Feeling his body react to the raw command, Ville’s spine stiffened. He ground down hard once more, clenching round the thick length inside him. “Fuck, Mikko…” The hand wrapped round his dick gripped firmer, moved faster, and he felt himself fall over the edge.

Mige came a second later, shooting deep inside his former boyfriend. They were both panting with exertion, covered in sweat. Pulling Ville down atop him, Mige licked his hand clean, enjoying the sensation of his lover nibbling at his neck. “That was fantastic.”

“You’re on top next time. My legs can’t take it.” Ville suddenly hesitated, looking up with a vulnerable expression. “Will there be a next time?”

Gazing down into green eyes, Mige smiled gently. “I hope so. We should… I mean, I want to try this again. Try us again. I think this time we can really make it work.”

Smiling wide, Ville kissed Mige slowly, gently. “I’m glad you think so.” He snuggled closer, mindless of the sticky mess between them. “Can I just keep you forever?” Reaching over for cigarettes, he lit one and offered Mige a drag.

Taking a small puff before handing it back, Mige held Ville protectively. “Just try and get rid of me.” He watched his lover smoke, smiling softly. “Hey, Ville?”


“You’ve always been the love of my life as well.”
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