Title: Hitori Kakurenbo
nightrider101 Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairing: Dean/Sam, Bobby
Rating: R
Warning: violence, death of OCs, incest (non-explicit), insanity
Spoilers: through episode 6.14
Word count: ~ 43,000
Summary: In the beginning, there is a possessed doll and an angry spirit. Then the doll gets destroyed, the spirit banished, and Sam and Dean move on. But it seems something is following them - or so Sam believes. Yet he knows just as well as Dean that that is absolutely impossible, so maybe Sam is just going crazy and all the weird noises he hears are simply the sounds of the wall in his mind falling to pieces.
Note: Witten for the
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Prologue Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Epilogue Author's Notes Download PDF