SPN Season 6!

Sep 24, 2010 22:05

>____> Conflicted feelings are conflicted.

Also, I now live in Manhattan. And Columbia is kicking my ass in painful, soul-consuming, and embarrassing ways.

But Supernatural! Dean! Sam! Deeeeeean!! Conflicty feelings! *FLAILS!*

deeeeeean!!, notdeadyet, spn, fandom

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Comments 12

ladydeathfaerie September 25 2010, 02:08:09 UTC
yes, darling. i fully agree with you on that one.

i'm so not sure about the way that one went.


vain_chan September 25 2010, 02:17:34 UTC
I know!! *FLAILS!!!!* WHY are my boys separated?! Why golf? Golf, Dean?! *sobs*

To be honest, I have some REAL reservations about this season. Sam and Dean should be together in the Impala on the road. Not with Dean being all sweet and domestic and Sam being . . . uh . . . like he was being. Just. No. And Lisa's supposed to stick around for a bit. So I just don't know. I mean, I like her well enough despite her semi-randomness, but I miss my dangerously codependent, slightly obsessed boys. =(

... I like the new title with the glass, though.


ladydeathfaerie September 25 2010, 02:50:15 UTC
the new title is awesome. i noted that.

but i agree. they need to be together. in the Impala. i was about to have a coronary when i didn't see the Impala. its as much a part of the cast as the boys.

Sam's being too... dunno. stand-offish? dickish? and Dean... no. golf is bad. golf is for suburbanites. and was it wrong of me to be upset that Azazel was nothing more than a figment of Dean's imagination?

ps: i need some Castiel, too.


vain_chan September 25 2010, 21:40:42 UTC
Cas will be back, but man do I miss Azazel and Alistair. Baby will be back too. >_> She has to be; the Metallicar cannot die!

I don't know if I like what they've been doing with Sam's character. Yes, I get that he's grown up and he's a big boy now, and I even understand why he didn't tell Dean he was alive. But something seems off about him.

And the golf . . . >.> Wow.


spike7451 September 25 2010, 11:15:46 UTC
Still waiting for the new SPN season here in Australia. :(

Sorry to hear Columbia is kicking your ass.


vain_chan September 25 2010, 21:25:53 UTC
^x^ I shall be spoiler-free, then. When are you guys going to get the new season?

And it wouldn't be Columbia if the academics didn't kick ass, so--even though I have no social life--I expected that it would. :-) Besides, I didn't come to New York for a social life.

I still hate Calculus and all it stands for, though.


spike7451 September 26 2010, 10:38:09 UTC
I haven't even seen any ads for the new season so no idea when it'll be back on. :(

hate Calculus ... I can totally understand that. LOL!


(The comment has been removed)

vain_chan September 25 2010, 21:28:47 UTC
>.> Yeeeah. It usually takes a while for the season to get rolling though. As mush as I find myself liking Lisa (a Dean/Lisa playlist has now appeared my iTunes), I do not like this separate!independent!boys thing. And Sam was acting weird.


ainokitsune September 26 2010, 00:40:29 UTC
Hey, you!

So I have lately created a fic journal to stash my spn fic (a href="http://honeylocusttree.livejournal.com/">here-ish), and I was wanting to add you--but I hadn't seen you around. But here you are now!

Premiere fallout is kinda fun. ^_~ I'll have a new fic up soon, actually.

So may my alter ego add you?


vain_chan September 26 2010, 01:18:06 UTC
^^ Hey, babe! Of course you can add me! ♥ *preemptively friends*

I actually check my friends page almost every day when I can; I just don't post much anymore beside commenting in SPN comms. I just started pre-med at Columbia and it's pretty much completely eaten my soul, plus I haven't written anything ready to be publish in a while. Lots of WIPs, but since I'm writing so sporadically, I don't want to publish anything until I know it will be completed.

=3 But I am still around, seekritly lurking.


honeylocusttree September 26 2010, 01:11:30 UTC
Hah! *jumps on you*


vain_chan September 26 2010, 01:21:42 UTC


You can also find me on gchat and AIM.


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