Character name: Kisarazu Ryou
Nationality: Britain, though his work and mother tends to carry him all over the world.
Age: 18
Rank: 2nd level (Luna), 8 stars, 3rd year
Appearance/Personality: While often quiet and withdrawn from his peers, Ryou tends to have quite the mouth on him when he feels the need to speak up and let others know what’s on his mind. Prone to withdrawing and cloistering himself away from outside influence, he has been known to wander far and wide given the least tickle to his fancy. Once started on a tirade, this raven-haired brat can be opinionated and arrogantly outspoken. Usually, if he holds his tongue in any confrontation it isn’t due to fear but cold rage. He is competitive to the depths of his soul and has taken on the roles within the fashion industry that his mother has fastened for him with a single-minded determination that will one day see him reigning supreme in the modeling world.
Petite and slender to the point of often being mistaken for a girl, the mischievous model doesn’t think twice about letting the misinterpretation go uncorrected. With raven hair that falls nearly to the middle of his back, he looks very much like a girl from a distance and as first impressions are often misleading he finds it horribly amusing to let those impressions linger, until his acquaintances get a clue in one form or another.
However, don’t be mistaken, if push came to shove anyone treating him as a female in a bid to push him into a disadvantaged playing field will pay a hefty price as he isn’t the least bit afraid of using his tongue to do his best to flay his opponent alive with sharp, biting reprimands.
History: Everyone needs a home away from home and while Ryou has many all over the world thanks in part to his mother’s business, Lioncrest could be considered his most steady port in the storm.
It was a hard won victory the day he managed to acquire his mother’s approval to attend Lioncrest by pointing out that someday age would eventually set in and the modeling world would no longer welcome him with open arms. The revelation was one she could not argue with and though it still irks her that there was wisdom in his words, Ryou has been allowed to attend the school in the hopes of gaining an education that will see his retirement from the being the center of attention amongst the watchful eyes of the fashion industry met with an easy transition into a whole new kind of world, even if taken place behind the scenes as his love of fabrics and design burns brightly.
Separated from his younger twin brother at a young age, he doesn’t quite know what to make of his mirror image. Yet, despite this surreal feeling of being disjointed and not quite knowing the young man that arrived earlier in the school year, Ryou is still highly protective of Atsushi and won’t hesitate to stand up for him if ever the need arises. He hopes it doesn’t as he’d rather spend that time poking and prodding the man he hopes to get to know through more than word of mouth and rumors.
Anything else: Ryou sports a tongue piercing and a tribal tattoo on the small of his back. Most details within have been shared with Atsushi’s player as I’ve tried to keep some of his history as close to what’s already been played as I could.