Chapter 9. Nothing too exciting. Just more plot.
Title: Angels Have Gone
Rating: PG-13 ish?
Pairings:Jareth and OFC
Summary: Plot points.
Disclaimer: Don't own the Labyrinth or any of it's charachters. Except for Emmanuelle who is of my own creation...hurray for creativity...or not.
Toby and Sarah gazed up at the forbidding looking mountain. Toby glanced around. “And there’s-erm-no way to go around?” He asked. Sarah scowled at him.
“Stop being such a baby Toby. We don’t have time to go around. We’ve only got a day and some odd hours left.” Toby whimpered slightly, and Sarah smacked him. “Get it together!”
Karlen and Leosen grinned at Toby, miming being hung up upside down. Toby glowered at them and then followed after Sarah as she moved away, holding onto the back of her jacket. “What-is-your-problem?” Sarah asked in frustration, attempting to shake her brother off. “How did you ever manage to get a girl to sleep with you? Or even a girlfriend for that matter?”
“I’m cute.” Toby pouted.
“Yeah right.” Sarah muttered, placing Lucienne between herself and her brother.
It was difficult going: the trail was steep, narrow, and uneven. After several minutes, Sarah’s hands were filthy from grabbing at dirty roots to pull her self upwards. She could hear Toby puffing along behind her as they climbed, and even Karlen and Leosen had become quiet for once. Everyone was concentrating on getting up the pass, giving Sarah her first real chance to mull things over.
Emmy had been alone with Jareth for two days now. Sarah had been only fourteen when she had run the Labyrinth. She didn’t know what Jareth was really capable of. What would he do to her sister? Was it possible that he would hurt her? Sarah bit her lip. Emmy was smart…but was she smart enough to outwit Jareth? There was no telling what the Goblin King would do. Sarah took a deep breath and hauled herself up another foot, scraping her knee on a rock that jutted out of the ground. There was the sound of ripping material as the rock tore Sarah’s jeans. Wincing, Sarah continued upwards. The only way to help her little sister was to make it up the mountain. She had to make it to the ‘enemy’ in time. She wouldn’t leave Emmy to pay for her mistakes, even those unwittingly made.
She was still having a hard time digesting what Lucienne had said. Was it possible that Jareth had been in love with her? She had only been a child…Sarah took another deep breath, continuing upwards. She had had the same dream for so long that she was no longer sure if it had ever been real. She could recall flitting through a crystal room, perpetually fourteen, perpetually searching for someone. Her hair was dressed up beautifully, entwined with silver leaves. The room writhed with elegantly dressed adults coupled in a dance of passion and sex that her fourteen-year-old mind couldn’t comprehend. Sliding between the dancers, Sarah paused. For a fleeting second, she had caught a glimpse of him: between two women fawning over him. Then he was gone. With him, went a piece of Sarah’s heart. Urgently, Sarah spun around searching for any sign of his long hair, or glittering blue jacket.
And then in the blink of an eye, he was standing before her. His eyes full of amusement and his hair tipped with blue glitter, he jerked his head slightly: gesturing her out onto the dance floor. Timidly, her eyes locked on his, Sarah took his hands and he whirled her away, ever the perfect gentleman. Everything was perfect. His hands gripped her arms gently, keeping a respectable distance between them. Awestruck, Sarah watched his face, the noise of the room disappearing. But I’ll be there for you…as the world falls down. She could hear the words, could hear him singing to her…
“Sarah!” Sarah started. “Sarah, what’s wrong?” Realizing that she had stopped moving entirely, Sarah hurried forward.
“Nothing. Sorry, I was just thinking.”
The sun was beginning to lower in the sky as the five finally found level ground. Exhausted, Sarah and Toby fell onto a rock to rest. They watched in amazement as Karlen and Leosen skipped lightly around in circles. “How can you not be tired?” Toby panted. Lucienne grinned.
“We’re Elves!” She said. “We don’t get tired as easily as humans. I mean do you think we could live as long as we do if we got tired every other minute?”
“Well that’s bloody unfair.” Toby muttered. Sarah ignored him. She was quiet a minute as she caught her breath. “You okay Sarah?” Her brother asked putting his hand on her shoulder. Sarah nodded.
“Yeah. I’m just thinking.”
“’Bout Emmy?” Toby asked quietly. Sarah nodded again.
“Yeah.” Toby didn’t know what to say, so for the first time, he remained silent.
“We should probably get going.” Lucienne said, cutting through their thoughts. Sarah nodded silently and had just picked up her bag when a small garbling sound reached her ears.
“What?” She turned to Toby who was leaning over his own bag. He turned back.
“What, what?”
“Didn’t you just say something?” Toby looked at her and frowned.
“Oh.” Sarah creased her brow and then scratched her head. “Alright then.” She turned around and then stopped as the noise hit her again.
“Stop it!”
“What am I doing?” Toby asked bewildered.
“You’re making that funny noise-” Both Toby and Sarah looked around as the sound reached them. “Okay, so it wasn’t you.”
“You’re always blaming me.” Toby said petulantly as he gazed around trying to locate the source.
“Well it usually is you.” Sarah explained peering into the trees that lined the pass. “I mean really. Nine times out of ten-” Sarah screamed as something came hurtling towards her from the trees, and threw herself to the ground. The small grubby creature bounded over Sarah and launched itself at Toby. Yelling frantically, and snatching at the creature, Toby hopped about.
“Get it off me! Get it off me!” Sarah lifted her head in shock staring at her brother. Karlen and Leosen were on the ground, in stitches with laughter. Lucienne dodged around Toby’s flailing arms trying to pry the creature off him.
“Hold still Toby!” She shouted. “It’s a Goblin!” Of course this only served to push Toby over the edge. He screeched in terror and tried to shake the Goblin off, but it dug its sharp nails into Toby’s legs, yelling obscenities no one could understand.
“Help! Sarah! It’s killing me! I’m dying!” Toby jumped up and down and then froze for a fraction of a second as the Goblin raked its nails across his leg. The screams of terror turned abruptly to yells of pain and outrage, and in one swift motion Toby wrenched the Goblin off his legs and swung it about over his head.
“Stupid-mother-fucker!” He howled. He released the Goblin and it soared over their heads squeaking in terror. Sarah watched her mouth partially open as the Goblin hit a tree and slid to the ground. “Fucking Bastard!” Toby grumbled, wiping blood from his leg. The Goblin lurched to its feet and staggered around in a circle before falling over. There was silence as Sarah, Lucienne, and the twins stared at Toby. Muttering darkly, Toby grabbed his bag from the ground and looked up. “What?” He demanded.
“Nothing.” Sarah said clambering back to her feet and dusting herself off.
“You’re laughing at me!” Toby said angrily.
“No I’m not.” Sarah said turning around so her brother wouldn’t see her face.
“You are too! You’re all laughing at me!” Sarah choked back a giggle and nodded to Lucienne.
“Shall we go?” She asked in a strained voice. Lucienne nodded, glancing at Toby in alarm. “Oh don’t worry. He’ll get over himself.”
“I heard that, Sarah!” Toby said furiously.
Sarah glanced at him over her shoulder. “Good.” Toby stuck his tongue out at her, and Sarah erupted into full-scale laughter.
They trudged along the winding pass. Toby lagged behind grumbling darkly and glaring at anyone who glanced at him. But soon it had grown too dark to continue, and Lucienne called a halt. “We’ll have to camp here for the night. It’s not safe to try and continue in the dark.”
Jareth held his head in his hands, his mind a whirl of confusion. Morning sunlight streamed in through the windows. He still wasn’t quite sure what had happened. One minute Emmy had been yelling at him, the next she had become some strange wild creature, burning with the intensity of the sun. Jareth had been quite sure that Emmy had hated him passionately, and then after last night…he could still feel her tongue as it skated down his chest to swirl across his erection. Jareth moaned in a mixture of ecstasy and perplexity.
What did her actions mean? What would she do tonight if he tried again? One thing was for sure: Jareth didn’t think he could bear it if Emmy denied him. He needed to feel that rapture again. Needed to feel the pure bliss that came with her touch.
Everything had been so much easier when Jareth had forced her. There had been no guilt, only fury. There had been no confusion, no bewildered glances shared. Emmy had been set on hating the Goblin King, and she still did in a way, but not with the same intensive vehemence. She hated him for being a selfish, egotistical prick. She hated him for being such a jealous baby. And she hated him for the way he made her feel worthless and priceless at the same time.
She needed to get away from him. She needed to get home. She couldn’t stay. He was driving her insane. She was hormonal and emotional. Once Sarah and Toby found a way to get her out of the Underground, everything would fix itself. She could forget the Goblin King and his passionate touch. She could forget the way he had looked at her last night…forget the way he made her feel. She would forget him: him and everything about him, from his mismatched eyes to his pale skin and white blond hair. She would move on. She would survive. Just let him try and stop her.