prom, what.

Jun 11, 2005 01:54

i absolutely adore...
- my gorgeous boyfriend & friends
- the english department
- ferryboats
- ethan's dorm (stocked w/ peach liqueur in plastic champagne flutes, though no paper umbrellas this time) and his amazing music lessons this afternoon (actually not a euphemism)
- our hipster costumes (incl. my handmade-in-brazil leafy gold earrings, fishnets w/ bows..)
- partying at the alligator lounge (free brick oven pizza w/ every drink!!) (i really was this close to rocking out to AC/DC on the bar)
- doing crossword puzzles over iced cappuccinos between senior breakfast & final jam club
- the truly surreal final jam club (twist and shout!) (thanks for the frozfruit, pretty)
- seeing alexandra--looking like grace kelly and eating a coconut frozfruit on dr. eisenstadt's chair
- compliments on my gown from random strangers.. on the subway, etc.
- naps where the fan is aimed at the bed
- finally taking a shower
- meeting my mom's friend Jill from her own hunter days who is an oberlin grad.. and subsequently getting SO especially excited for next year!

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