So here's the deal, I decided to make the first (that I know of) active blogcrew on LJ and it's going to be a HP one because there are enough characters to get a good group going. And what I mean by active is that you're going to be adding 42 people to your friends list after you join. This is not just a claims list. I'm not resurrecting my old blogcrews, (Troy, Newsies, POTC, etc.) unless you want me to.
THE FLOO NETWORK: a harry potter blogcrew
Last updated: September 09, 2007
a b o u t:
The purpose of this blogcrew is to meet other LJ-ers who are fans of Harry Potter. If you're interested in becoming a member of the crew, please read the rules before applying. Thanks!
r u l e s:
- You must be a fan of HP. (duh!) ;)
- You must have an LJ that you update often. It doesn't have to be updated daily, but it'd be nice if you update more than once a month.
- LJs that are filled entirely with quizzes or no entries at all will not be accepted.
- LJs must have at least 20 written entries, just so I know that you are consistent in your journaling. I had to add this rule because I let people with less than 5 entries in and they totally deserted their journal. :(
- Your LJ must be a personal LJ, not a graphics only journal nor a fandom only journal. It wouldn't be fair for others if you are able to read up on their private lives when they can't do the same for you.
- To keep this crew active, you must be willing to interact with the other members. Get to know them through their journals. That's the whole point of this crew after all.
- Check the characters list to make sure that the character you want isn't already taken. [Open status = character up for grabs] To see a complete list of characters check out Witches & Wizards from A to Z
- And lastly, after you've been accepted, please put the blogcrew code up on your userinfo page and add every single member of the blogcrew to your friends list.
c h a r a c t e r l i s t:
Abbott, Hannah - [open]
Black, Sirius - blaze @
theoneontheleftBlack, Narcissa - amy @
amyambyamlyBlack, Regulus - jackii @
sensiblemaniacBones, Susan - [open]
Brown, Lavender - becca &
xoxmmChang, Cho - rachel renee @
yallreadyforthiDelacour, Fleur - cheryl @
xxcherylannxxDelacour, Gabrielle - lyn @
destinedtoflyDiggory, Cedric - [open]
Dumbledore, Albus - [open]
Finnigan, Seamus - amie @
mireille_xFlint, Marcus - [open]
Granger, Hermione - mandy @
lady_lilyGreengrass, Daphne - jasmine @
thatssoninties_Hedwig - leenus spher @
lspherJones, Hestia - jamie @
shimmereysJones, Megan - evmorfia @
silmarwen_85Krum, Viktor - maggie @
chaotic_vanityLestrange, Bellatrix - jessyka @
gwenllianaLongbottom, Neville - michele @
mishey22Lovegood, Luna - emmy @
ladybrighid3333Lockhart, Gilderoy - [open]
Lupin, Remus - jimi @
jimidragonMalfoy, Draco - melinda @
motormouthmiliMalfoy, Lucius - safi @
carib_beauty91Moody, Alastor - nozomi @
nozomiMyrtle, Moaning - [open]
McGonagall, Minerva - taryn @
tricki_nickiParkinson, Pansy - cleo @
cleo_dumbledorePatil, Padma - janine @
sexyjohnlennonPatil, Parvati - [open]
Pettigrew, Peter - [open]
Potter, Harry - chrissy @
prongssyPotter, James - debzie @
magicalspiritPotter, Lily - genna @
thebigpictureRiddle, Tom - [see Voldemort]
Rosier, Evan - [open]
Skeeter, Rita - mahrie @
mahrie_isSnape, Severus - julie @
valaseren (me!)
Spinnet, Alicia - ashley @
amoureux_roseThomas, Dean - [open]
Tonks, Andromeda - etcetera @
l_invernTonks, Nymphadora - lexy @
lexy_malfoyTrelawney, Sybill - [open]
Umbridge, Dolores - jo @
upstart_crowVoldemort - [open]
Weasley, Bill - mel @
halcyonWeasley, Charlie - brooke @
panda_pantsssWeasley, Fred - envy @
envyiousWeasley, George - liz @
bluegemeyesWeasley, Ginny - tiffany @
springfrostWeasley, Molly - samantha @
guardian_angelsWeasley, Ron - rei @
hieis_girl1Wood, Oliver - kallie @
dontstoplyingZabini, Blaise - [open]
j o i n:
Please comment with the following info -
Character Name:
LJ username:
your username here t h e f a m i l y:
Let's be siblings! :) If you would like to affiliate with this blogcrew, please reply to this entry. :)
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Peanuts Blogcrew p i m p i t:
Pimping isn't mandatory, but it'd be nice if ya did.