June Sketch Fest at Ellen Million Graphics

Jun 19, 2010 11:43

These are the sketches I've done in the Sketch Fest at http://community.livejournal.com/emglivejournal/4323.html

Click on the thumbnails to see larger versions.

Lord of Coldmoor prompt by kireivp

Spider Horse prompt by draken_art

Antler Crown prompt by starrydance

Trout lilly prompt by kerstitch
inspired by this stock photo http://loopyker-stock.deviantart.com/art/Trout-Lilies-2-50939403?q=1&qo=1

Porcupine on a Trike prompt by melissad

Magical Goat prompt by krisgoat

Maned wolf/stilt fox prompt by psycho_gryph

And one last sketch befor deadline

Otter Pops prompt by Anonymous

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