My sweet, my kitten, my muse. Forever will there be a place in my heart and my life for you, dear girl. Ours was a time that I will never forget, and I know that we will create many more memories in the future. You have shown me places that I have never been, taught me things that I didn't think to learn, and the gift of your love is one that I will always honor and cherish. Your visage will grace great houses one day, as certainly as it graces my own today. Thank you for inspiring me, and for sharing your breath and your soul with me. It is a gift that I do not take lightly. I love you.
Comments 51
every day without you
is like one without sun
how i wish they were few
and preferably none
when we finally meet
those days fade from my mind
every breath tastes so sweet
leaves the grey far behind
being fully awake
not going through motions
you're a thirst i can't slake
stronger than love potions
yet again we must part
forced to be so mature
though you leave with my heart
for our love i'll endure
Not Christian or Jew or Muslim, not Hindu
Buddhist, sufi, or zen. Not any religion
or cultural system. I am not from the East
or the West, not out of the ocean or up
from the ground, not natural or ethereal, not
composed of elements at all. I do not exist,
am not an entity in this world or in the next,
did not descend from Adam and Eve or any
origin story. My place is placeless, a trace
of the traceless. Neither body or soul.
I belong to the beloved, have seen the two
worlds as one and that one call to and know,
first, last, outer, inner, only that
breath breathing human being.
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