Title: Home
Crimin4l Numb3rsAuthor: Valerie Vancollie (valeriev84 [at] hotmail.com)
Characters: Don, (Charlie, Alan, Margaret)
Rating: G
Summary: Finally back in L.A., Don and Charlie return home.
Spoilers: Protest
Timeline: Set between
Third Person and
Humanity. For a complete listing, see the
Master List.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Numb3rs characters, items or situations. I only lay claim to the original aspects of the fic.
Don sighed as he caught sight of the dust bunnies and dirt on the floor. The Bakers had obviously left angry. Not that he hadn't given them two years notice, twice what the rental contract stipulated. They had always tried to convince them to sell, though, so perhaps they'd banked on keeping the Craftsman.
There was nothing for it. Perhaps he should get a professional cleaning crew to come in before the furniture came out of storage. Then they could have the floor properly polished.
Don shut his eyes as he remembered his parents discussing the upkeep chores of the house. He'd often thought of them since the accident, but now, standing in his childhood home, it seemed more real. The echoes were everywhere; as if their ghosts still lived here.
Perhaps that was why Charlie had gone into the garage instead of coming inside.
Don winced as he thought of what his parents would say if they could see them now. They'd be overjoyed to see them getting along much less working together, but as for what they did... While they'd never approved of the FBI, he somehow doubted they'd be any happier with him taking up crime.