So, I requested/was given this meme a couple of months ago. I promptly wrote down a list of my names on my whiteboard, ignored it until after finals, and then forgot it when I left for the summer. Fortunately, I went back a couple of weeks ago, wrote down the list, and then finally got it down to five characters I actually mostly wanted to write
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Comments 6
Also, I'd love to play! :) I might not get around to writing it out immediately, but I'll most certain do it sometime.
Oh, that's perfectly alright. Like I said, it took me two or so months to get mine done. :) How about the letter "L"?
As hard as it is to find heroes with 'R' names? :p
*does a "I know all the characters" dance*
How about a letter for sidekick characters? ^_^
Yay! *joins Mel in a happy dance*
Sure! Let me about "H"?
"H" sidekicks it is... this should be an interesting list. :D
:D Should be fun! I can't wait to see what you come up with.
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