How this works: Comment with your favorite color and I'll respond by asking you five questions so I can get to know you better. Update your
journal with the answers to the questions. Include this explanation in the post and offer to ask other people questions.
meme from
ladyadeone 1. Describe a favorite accessory or article of clothing.
...have I ever told you how I feel about clothing? I mainly wear jeans and t-shirts. ;)) But I have been trying to branch out a little about one of my scarves? I have a gray knit one with fringe that I rather like. Or, if hair clips count, I have a Chinese enamel one with a phoenix/peacock on it that I love.
2. Someone you follow on tumblr who's not on NarniaWeb or LJ?
I follow a grand total of 3 4 people on tumblr and all of you are on NW and/or LJ. ;)) Sorry to disappoint! However, if I was following someone I didn't know, I'd be probably be following
jl8. I've been huge into superheroes, but the comic is just too cute. ;))
3. Who is [one of] your favorite historical character[s]?
That's tricky! about Jenny Geddes, who threw her stool at the man trying to use The Booke of Common Prayer in worship at St. Giles, and "helped" start up the Covenanting period of Scottish history? Bonus points because no one seems to know if she actually did it, even existed, or if it was some young hooligan who dressed up as an old woman. ;)) I suppose this might fall more under interesting historical characters but I haven't been able to narrow it down more!
4. What is the most lofty reading goal you can imagine?
Actually finishing a reading list? :D You could put whatever impressive books you wanted on it, but I get distracted too easily to really finish lists. :">
5. What is one of your favorite Bible verses?
Hmm...It's hard to pick a favourite, but this verse came to mind for some reason: "Yet you say, ‘The way of the Lord is not fair.’ Hear now, O house of Israel, is it not My way which is fair, and your ways which are not fair?" Ezekiel 18:25.