(no subject)

Dec 30, 2007 17:23

Be one of the first explorers and shapers of the future in a new world! Make history by your deeds and be the stuff of tomorrow’s legends!

Since the Old Times people have spoken about the Andugu, which Thuleans call the Shieldwalls of Korth, and others call the Endless Mountains. Rising up into the clouds and wreathed in white snows these mountain ranges spiral across the continent and lie on the horizon of every land in the world. Fables also speak about the Mesa, a green and wondrous paradise high above the other lands and from where all races of man are said to have come. These tales are no longer merely rumor; routes to the Mesa have been found! In fact an expedition to create a colony in this fantastic land will take place in late Spring! Thane Hanryc Osricson and the Expedition Company shall organize the settlement, with the full blessing and cooperation of the reigning authorities of the three Lands and in accord with Tribal leaders of the Eastern Wilds.

To ensure that only the best and brightest of each land earn the right to represent their homelands Challenging Trials are being held in many cities across the continent. The dangers of the expedition are significant but the rewards are great;

In exchange for agreeing to live in the colony for no less than five years and provide support and if necessary, protection for its farmers, crafters, and miners, each of the proven will live free of tax of any kind, ply any trade without tribute, and trade with any part of any land without tariff. In addition a stipend of 3 gold talents, or two oxen, or 360 days labor wages or the local equivalent is to be given EACH YEAR to the family of the those chosen to replace their benefit to the home, or clan, or village.

Appearing for the Trials are all kinds from every corner of the world. There are reticent Monks from the storm ravaged Lands of Blessed Asylum, lusty warriors of Thule, and gifted Magi from the Island Citadels of Khaldea. Even more surprising is that word has been sent by Shamen from tribes throughout the Eastern Wilds; a group savages numbering in the hundreds will travel west to be tested for this Expedition, said to be chosen for this Quest by the will of the Animal Spirits themselves. Of the tens of thousands stepping forward to compete for the honor of joining the lists, only one hundred valiant men and women will be chosen.

The question is ARE YOU VALIANT?

Valiant uses the Accelerant System TM developed by Chimera Entertainment LLC. Events are held at the Brantwood Camp site in the beautiful Mount Monadnock area.

Brantwood Camp Road Greenfield NH 03047


Event dates for 2008:   May 9-11        May 23-25      Sept 12-14          Oct 10-12

Keep an eye out on this board and at http://valiant.ferrus.net for further news!

~The Valiant Staff are~

Game Director: George Wood

Core Staff: Cardin Corbit, Beth Foote, Michael German, Erin Graham,Amanda Hammond, Cory Hodge, Jane Ritchie, and Charlie Waller

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