(no subject)

Jan 05, 2004 01:52

Six: about the baby thing...
Six: I can explain. Honest.
Six: it isn't what it sounds like at ALL
Estë: Mmm.
Six: such as it was all an aboveboard deal and speed-grown babies come out vegetables if you don't put in proper precautions. *eyedart*
Estë: Mmmmmm.
Six: ...and I promised my kids.
Estë: Well, that makes it alright then.
Six: I think the only actual pain that happened was the girl's labour and yes, I felt that and I'm never doing that again.
Estë: ...you would only feel the labour if you were the father. *raises eyebrow*
Six: I'm not. *pinches the bridge of his nose* But she was having it as part of a payment deal to me.
Estë: Or you caused her to go into labour.
Estë: ah.
Six: that too.
Estë: Did she give you the baby willingly?
Six: yes.
Estë: Why?
Six: She was a clone who only lived two weeks before she died and had to get remade. The deal was she has the kid and I keep her alive indefinitely.
Estë: And she knew what you would do with it?
Six: yes.
Estë: What about the father?
Six: he knew as well. It was payment for me healing him from a suicide attempt.
Estë: And neither of them have a problem with this?
Six: they weren't going 'wow, that's the bestest deal ever' but they did agree without any sort of coercion.
Estë: *sighs*
Estë: Was the baby alive?
Six: in the sense it was breathing. There wasn't anything going on upstairs because I'd just been working on getting the body full-grown as soon as possible. I think some of the other organs were faulty too.
Estë: Mmm.
Six: I was very very careful.
Estë: You still interfered - poorly from the sounds of it - in the development of a fetus with the intentions of killing it upon it's birth, permission from the parents or not. And incidentally, I'm considering smiting them too.
Six: I never win o.o
Estë: That's because you always do something wrong!
Six: but no one was actually hurt! .
Estë: The baby is dead.
Six: the 'baby' couldn't feel anything. It was a vegetable.
Six: it would have died in a few days anyway.
Estë: Because of your interference.
Six: it wouldn't have existed any other way! I made it, I got rid of it, it is a non-existent thing.
Estë: Sorry.
Estë: Doesn't work that way.
Six: >.< you just hate me
Estë: You're not one of my favourite people, I’ll admit.
Six: I promised my kids. *twitch*
Estë: *shakes head sadly*
Six: They're wraiths!
Estë: Then they can do what they like. I’m not concerned with their actions, I'm concerned with yours.
Six: I promised...
Estë: Parents make unreasonable promises to their children all the time. You should have explained to them why you could no longer fulfill that particular promise.
Six: only one I made.
Estë: Same answer.
Six: *frowns*
Estë: ....you get this one as a freebie. I'm actually more ticked off at the parents.
Six: ...thank Melkor. No more babyeating from me. >.>
Estë: If there is, you *will* pay for it.
Six: got it
Estë: Good.
Six: I'll just go...not be in your way
Estë: You do that.
Six: *vanish*
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