Snagged from Rach

Apr 04, 2006 01:37

1) Where do you like to sit at the movie theater?
In the absolute middle.

2) Where's the best pizza in town (name the city too)
*shrugs* Where ever it is hot?

3) What was the first CD you ever bought?
Weird Al's "Off the Deep End"

4) What kind of alcohol do you tend to drink the most?

5) If you won $1000 on the radio, how would you spend it?
I'd probably save it, but I might spend it on DVDs.

6) Okay globe trekkers, what's been your absolute craziest travel experience ever concerning transportation?
Beaumont to The Woodlands to Dallas when we were supposed to be in Fort Worth to Waco to The Woodlands and back to Beaumont in a car with no A/C in July.

7) We think about other people all the time. In general, who are you thinking about the most this week?
...I must be the exception...

8) Name a country that you haven't yet visited, but REALLY REALLY want to visit soon.

9) What are your comfort foods?
Sushi, pasta, and chinese.

10) What's the most expensive item you've ever bought?
My house.

11) Name the top three personality traits you look for in potential gf/bf.
Intelligence, education, and true committment (HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!)

12) What's the longest you've gone without a shower/bath?
Couple days...

13) What are you most excited about this week?
I just started playing EVE online.

14) What was/is your favorite subject in high school?

15) Salvador Dali once claimed he could remember being in his mother's womb. What is your very earliest memory?
Slicing my foot open with a sliding closet door.

16) List your favorite sources for national/world news (specific TV channels, newspapers, websites).

17) What color looks absolutely horrible on you?

18) Do you speak another language?
Not really.

19) Name your phobias and fears, if any.
Large animals

20) The book you are reading right now -- what is it about?
Not reading currently.

21) Something about your apartment/house that just annoys you every time you think about it / see it?
The den floor.

22) It's all made of the same thing, but what's your favorite kind of pasta?

23) What's the longest you've slept in one sitting?
36 hours.

24) The most northern part of the USA you've been was where?
Buffalo, NY

25) Your last vacation found you where?
Toronto, Canada

26) What was/is your cumulative GPA in college?

27) Are you more like your mother or your father?
My mom.

28) You have to totally get it on with only ONE of the following:
hmm...Jared Leto, Ewan McGregor, Johnny Depp....
Johnny Depp.

29) The clearest water you've ever seen in the whole world was where?
Out of a filtered source.

30) Which of your MySpace friends is most likely to have been in prison and for what crime?
None, I hope.

31) When/where was the first time you saw flowing lava?
On TV in grade school.

33) Who is the last person you high-fived?

34) If you were drafted into a war, would you survive?
*shrugs* Depends on where they put me.

35) Do you sleep with the TV on?

36) Have you ever drank milk straight out of the carton?
Yuck, no.

37) Have you ever won a spelling bee?

38) Have you ever been stung by a bee?

39) How fast can you type?
40 wpm

40) Are you afraid of the dark?

41) Eye color?
Dark brown.

42) Have you ever made out at a drive-in?
We don't have drive ins down here.

43) When is the last time you chose a bath over a shower?

44) Do you knock on wood?

45) Do you floss daily?

46) Can you hoola hoop?

47) Are you good at keeping secrets?

48) What do you want for Christmas?
A fucking digital camera.

49) Do you talk in your sleep?
Not that I know of.

50) Do you wish on your fallen lashes?

51) Have you ever been suspended or expelled from school?

52) Can you handle the truth?

53) Any cool scars?

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