I hope no-prompt week is still in effect

Jan 07, 2007 06:20

Not sure if this is doggerel or not, but it's something that took shape in my head on my way home and I wanted to share... Should be read with a Vincent Price voice:


Stepping out
into the city lights.
People gather on Saturday night.

Seeking pleasure
In a bottle or a pill,
and hopes to get their weekend thrill.

Bodies sensual
writhe to the beat,
As my friend directs them from the DJ's seat.

He makes them dance,
Skin against skin,
Obeying the beat and his every whim.

Glowsticks sail
through hot disco air,
As girls in the back hawk raver wares.

New frienships made,
Old ones renewed.
We need this interaction as if it was food.

To nourish our spirits,
To not be alone,
To not be isolated, as we are prone.

In this city we work,
The week so mundane.
Saturday is magical, its memory remains.

His fingers on her spine,
I watch them lock lips,
I sigh in regret, the music moves my hips.

The night winds down,
And those few brave
Say goodnight, till the next Darkrave.
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