because: i am slightly demented

Aug 28, 2008 19:10

There is a perfectly good explanation for why there is a new story up on fanfiction instead of the new chapter of A Life Interrupted. FOLKS, THERE IS A PERFECTLY GOOD REASON.

I kind of sort of promised aoi_megumi that I'd write her an ItachixNaruto ficcie, and in the process of research (read: It was such a perfect excuse for me to splurge on the manga and catch up with everything that's happened) I got side-tracked. Mainly, I got side-trakced at how shit-face a job our dear, beloved Mr. Masashi Kishimoto did in absolutely ruining what little awesomeness Sasuke had left in him. So, to cheer myself up, I went and re-read Kakashi Gaiden, and I just couldn't help myself.

If y'all haven't seen the story yet, it's called "In good company" and features a very adolescent Sasuke who wakes up one day and starts seeing dead people. I mean, really. Since I kind of sort of love the idea of a Summoner-animal bond, I reintroduced my snakes from Madame D'Aulnoy and came up with a ridiculous plot. So, check it out if you haven't yet. I'll move it to my website soon enough.

In the meantime, college starts again in about three days so I'm packing my behind off like there's no tomorrow and still getting pleasantly nowhere. And since I'm a political junkie WITH ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO, I'm kind of sort of excited over this entire Democratic National Convention thing.

Ah, me.

writing, um....yah, update

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