Alright, kids. Here is part one of my listing deal. If you'd like to see the frenzy that's taken over the EP Hookers (including honorary hookers) journals,
click here.
I hate that I gave in to doing this. Well, not yet...but I'm sure it'll come. I hate how livejournal is a fucking cuntbag and decided to kill this whole entry. Luckily, I had parts saved. Argh. Not a fan! I hate work. I hate all the assholes I deal with every day. I hate people who think they know everything. I hate how stressed I get so often. I hate my grandmother's incessant babble and how she ignores any questions asked of her or statements directed to her. I hate when no one answers me when I address them. I hate being ignored in general, unless I'm wanting to be ignored. That's cool then. I hate how my brother just decided he needed to use our bathroom. This will inevitably end in a mess. Uck. I hate the lack of organization skills my family has. I hate the piles of shit EVERYWHERE. But I hate cleaning. I hate doing anything that requires a slight ounce of effort from me and I hate that I have no motivation...ever. I hate that I rarely follow through. I hate that I'm a heartless bitch far too often. Well, unless the cunts deserve it. I hate when bands get popular and their new "fans" only like them for their appearance and have no respect for them. I hate that I'm not a better spoons player. I've tried and, alas, I got very little of any skill. I hate that I don't practice to make my skill better. I hate that my brother just turned the fan on in our bathroom. This cannot be a good sign. Hell. I hate my highly dysfunctional family. I hate how my family isn't affectionate at all. Or maybe I don't hate's just weird. I hate the distance that grows between people when they move away and then you feel like you don't know each other anymore. I hate thinking it might happen to me when I move to Oregon. I hate sluts. I hate not knowing what to do or say when someone feels like hell. I hate rude, obnoxious people. I hate cooked carrots. I hate knowing that Ben shaves his nipples (haha!). I hate feet, unless they're somehow very cute, no...I hate feet. I hate when significant others become more important than (former?) friends. I hate that I'm self-centered. I hate the vein under my eye that makes me look like I have some crazy black eye going on. Uhh, cool? No. I hate that someone has once asked me if I did get a black eye. I hate when people don't do anything with themselves, and opt to being a crack addict until dying at an age far too young. I hate pot...the smell, what it does to people, everything. Drugs in general are bad, mmk? I hate that my wrist feels broken after typing...damn stress syndrome shitter. I hate getting my period, and hate cramps more. I hate crooked teeth. I hate that I don't know when to stop and always manage to make something worse. I hate hunting and fishing...just let the animals be and overpopulate if they want to! I hate that some people can't accept that I don't eat meat; I hardly find it funny to joke about me wanting a big juicy steak with my tofu. Asswhore. I hate drinking Coke and Pepsi or most any pop and feeling a sludgy film covering my teeth, knowing that something must be rotting due to its presence. I hate Ashlee Simpson for sounding like a 60-year-old smoker on her deathbed. The raspy voice is too much for me. I hate smokers who have no respect for those who don't want to choke on their nastyass habit and die from it. I hate thinking, pondering, and dwelling. I hate that I have some crazy obsession cycle with guys that I can't break myself from. I hate that I'm afraid of everything...heights, spiders/insects, fire, relationships, etc. I hate that when I walk up to work, bees or grasshoppers or some other lovely creature always flies into my face. I hate that this causes a freak out session ala moi, and I hate that people on the balconies watch me (I live down the hill from the motel I work at). I hate wondering what other people think of me. I hate feeling depressed when I know there are people in the world in far worse of a situation than I. I hate that these thoughts make me feel worse, as I realize I'm selfish and lame. I hate my mother and how we fight constantly. I hate that my dad takes her side because she's more threatening. I hate that my sister told me my room smells bad. I hate that I can't tell that there's anything wrong with the air quality. I hate that I'm a slob, and I hate that it's a rather helpless situation. I hate all the bruises on my legs and that I don't know where they came from. I vote anemia on this one. For the record, I hate anemia too. I hate how yesterday I found it necessary to eat 20 million cream puffs, and I hate how they were so horridly tasty, and full of the most unhealthy items ever. I hate having nothing to say when I have plenty to say, and I hate not saying anything when I should. I hate drama amongst people, and how I can't slay it no matter how hard I try. I hate how I often start it, and that it secretly entertains me. I hate how I can't finish a book in only a couple of days because I'm constantly distracted. Urgh. I hate bad skin. I hate that I was blessed with such a matter thanks to genetics. I hate genetics, when pertaining to myself. Other people have perfectly lovely features passed down to them. I am not one of these 'other people.' Hate that. I hate that I have this much hate and no other way to express it other than the constant "I hate"-ing. I suppose that's fitting for this though. I hate my anger management problems and moodiness. Like when I have no food and proceed to open all the kitchen cupboards, refrigerator door, freezer door, etc. and stomp around. I hate hearing Kylie blow her nose. Most annoying sound ever. I hate biting my nails. It's uglifying and I need to stop. I hate that I've realized I wouldn't date myself because I have some crazy bipolar, chemical inbalance that's yet to be confirmed, but I still know it's there. I hate ringing phones. I hate answering phones and talking on the phone. I hate that I'll say "I'm going to be really outgoing! Woo, baybee!" to have that turn into, "Umm...I don't think I'll talk to anyone. Ever. Kthanks." I hate the word 'dildo.' I hate that I don't have one. (Haha! Just kidding! Promise. Really. I sweeeear.) I hate feeling/being left out. I hate people who fish for compliments. I'm not a fish, and, no, I will not be hooked, suckah! I hate censorship. Stupidest fucking thing ever. I hate people uncomfortable with the word 'vagina,' even if it's in conjunction with 'The Vagina Monologues.' I hate those who recite lines of a movie along with the actors. I hate that I'm attracted to gay guys no matter what I do. I'm hopeless. I hate uncomfortable silences and my inability to break them. I hate Lubbock 'Shithole' Texas. I hate ignorance. I hate George W Bush and co. I hate how fucked up this country has gotten to be. I hate war and innocent people being killed. I hate when animals pee on me. Gross. I hate when perfectly beautiful people ruin themselves in some way. I hate factory farming. I hate never getting picture entries made and posted. I hate how time-consuming livejournal gets to be. I hate that I'm always hungry, regardless of if I just ate or not. I hate cheese...unless it meets my special requirements for cheese coolness. I hate that Kelsmeister's and my band is not going to go anywhere because I'm moving. I'm totally sure it would've. I hate camping and not knowing if a bear is going to attack you because it's too dark to tell. Damn you, darkness! I hate when something you thought would be good, sucks ass. I hate sucking ass. I hate lack of compassion. I hate how I'm such a hypocrite. I hate that I've found a love for purses and shoes after so many years of not caring. I blame this on all the hookerwhores (Kelli, Lin, Kelsey, probably Laura too). I hate that I have a hard time being sincere. I hate that I'm a mooch and klepto. Eh...nah. I don't really hate that. I hate not being able to honestly check another box on forms than Caucasian. I hate trying to spell that word. Gah. Spelling in general is le suck. Hell, words and language and everything should be removed from life. We can communicate through, umm, well, fuck communication too. I hate it. Never works out. I hate that I feel a need to say 'fuck' all the time. I hate how good it makes me feel. Definitely a hardcore word. I hate roses as presents. A dead plant is NOT a present. I like life. Give me life, baybee! Not dead, cut, soon-to-wilt flowers. Argh. I hate being behind slow as a mofo drivers who won't pull over even if a bazillion cars are following them, and I hate not having a passing lane to get around them myself. I hate superficiality (is that I word? I vote yes). I hate that there's always someone better. I hate creepy guys on AIM who harass me so much that I'm forced to make a new secret screen name. BUAHAHA! I hate how I love using the worst pictures of me as usericons. Or do I really? Erm. I hate apathy and that this is a common feeling of mine. I hate having the "Starving Ethiopian" complex, which involves me eating everything on my plate, whether I'm hungry or not. I have the elevated condition that also includes me eating for at least three of them as well as myself at every meal. I hate stupid people. I hate that I can't help that. I hate that I just went to make something to eat and continued this list in lengthy detail for 20 minutes in my head. That's pathetic. See what you've made me do? Lordy. I hate people who give themselves some title (like...'punk' or 'hardcore') and proceed to share that with everyone. If you are something you are. Shut up already. I hate people who talk too much. I hate people who can't breathe properly, unless they have a damn good reason. But if you breathe through your mouth and work with me, you might have to die. Or else you'll just disappear one day and not come to work and then my mom will see you driving your beloved car a couple months later. That was a true story, by the way. I hate how I can't make a sexy face no matter how hard I try (and believe me...I've tried). I hate people who think they can sing well and do it all the time, in all their offkey wonderfulness. If you know you're awful and proud, that's cool. That's where I fit in. I hate that this list will never end until I make it. And I'm thinking now is the time. I'm sure I'll post this and think of a quatrillion more hates, but you just gotta stop somewhere. I hate that.
The end.