Belated Logtime!

May 26, 2011 23:49

The formatting is extra wonky this time and damned if I know how to fix it.

Prof has connected.
Nerdo has connected.
Tomiko has connected.
Behold the Void has connected.
*swaps text*
good cal
Behold the Void:
All righty
Behold the Void:
We good to go?
Guess so
I suppose
Behold the Void:
All right
Behold the Void:
So the four of you are off to see the Barons
*engages in last minute tinkering*
Behold the Void:
Seven gentlemen who have been generally aligned with the Astheled royal family for generations and thus are at least nominally part of the kingdom
Behold the Void:
Although as with all the various nobles in the area, they're pretty fiercly independent
( Do we have any idea how Foxfire's character showed up with us?)
(I can be in the location)
(If that simplifies things)
Behold the Void:
(If he's a refugee and an artificer, it makes sense for him to continue his work in service of the crown)
(I'll be... ICly stalking them and break in during the battle?)
Behold the Void:
(If you want to do that that works)
Behold the Void:
(Or you could have something accidentally detonate in the general vicinity when the fighting breaks out)
Behold the Void:
Anyway, as you reach the closest of the Baron's encampment, a mounted entourage is sent out to meet you
(This works!)
Behold the Void:
Guardsman: Your highness, you honor us with your presence. What brings you to our humble barony this day?
(Also, I may have missed some prep - why are we approaching these barons?)
Behold the Void:
(You guys need allies badly)
"Isgardian armies have invaded the hear of the country. We need aide from your liege urgently."
Behold the Void:
The Guardsman looks extremely concerned
Behold the Void:
"We shall bring you to him immediately. Please, come this way your highness."
Behold the Void:
They escort you into the room and introduce you to Baron Maes
Bjorkus looms.
Not seeing any problems at all with this, Myrina goes along and brings her...entourage...with her.
Behold the Void:
Baron Maes is the youngest of the barons, only 20
Claud follows with a disinterested look, as usual.
Behold the Void:
He greets you enthusiastically, but his general expression soon sours as he hears the news
Behold the Void:
(If you want you can RP out the recounting of the tale but I think glossing over it works too. Thoughts?)
(Bjorkus's version of events is much more dramatic than Claud's)
Behold the Void:
Maes: This is troubling indeed. I shall call a council immediately, your majesty.
(The Queen doesn't add much except that they managed to delay the vanguard of the army, but need reinforcements badly. Also that she's Queen now.)
(Claud's version of events is rather short and lacking, basically just something about a gaudy elf attacking and running away)
Behold the Void:
Maes: I will immediately call a council, by all rights they will be required to answer my summons. However...
Behold the Void:
Maes: I confess this may be a bit difficult of an endeavor. The other barons are not keen on risking the ire of Isgardia
Behold the Void:
I know two, Henrich and Baun, are most obstinate. Hopefully with your majesty here, however, they will listen.
Behold the Void:
Maes: I shall send the word. Please, rest here tonight, we shall hold council tomorrow
"They'd better, for their own sake. It's only a matter of time before Isgard marches here, too."
Behold the Void:
In the meantime, if you have any questions regarding the barons, I will be more than happy to answer them
She nods at the suggestion. "Thank you, your grace."
"Why are Heinrich and Baun so particularly stubborn?"
Behold the Void:
Maes casts a wary look about. "It is not particularly proper to carry stories, your majesty, but I have heard... unsavory rumors."
"What, did they turn traitor or something?"
"Please ignore my bodyguard, he's actually a baboon the court wizard transmogrified into a human as an experiment."
Behold the Void:
Maes smiles
Behold the Void:
Of course, your majesty. That said, his offhand remark does bear some resemblence to those selfsame rumors
Claud blinks. "Bodyguard?"
"It's a step up from baboon."
"In that case, Lord Maes, we'll have to be careful. If they're already in Isgard's pockets..."
Behold the Void:
Maes: Precisely. Fortunately, the other four Barons have no such rumors. They are, however, more likely to bow to Henrich and Baun's experience over my own, but it is them you should focus on
"Well, then why are we wasting time here? One baron down, a bunch more to go. Hooray. Let's move on."
Behold the Void:
Maes: It will take some time to call the council, we shall convene at first light tomorrow
"We'll rest here, and talk to everyone in the morning then."
Behold the Void:
(You guys can ask some questions about the other barons for use during the persuasion part of the encounter, if you so desire, otherwise we'll just skip ahead)
(Bjorkus is playing the whole "human politics" thing by ear, so he needs no prep)
(Claud doesn't really care. This is the queen's business, not his)
(The Queen unfortunately is at a bit of a loss because she sucks at politics.)
(This is gonna rule.)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
The next day, you go to meet the barons
Behold the Void:
As was mentioned by Maes, Henrich and Baun are looking at you with flinty eyes
Behold the Void:
The other four barons, Emmeel, Vastan, Godric and Wendel, however, look somewhat interested and polite
Behold the Void:
(Emmeel, Vastan, Godric and Wendel each have a bar that starts at 5 and goes from 0-10, 10 being persuaded 0 being not persuaded)
Behold the Void:
(In addition, your party and Henrich/Baun have a credibility bar, which will give you bonuses or penalties if it rises or falls. These two bars are nonessential)
Behold the Void:
(In order to clear this segment, you must persuade 3 of the 4 barons in order to gain a consensus)
Behold the Void:
(If you phrase your remarks well, you will gain bonuses to your rolls.)
Behold the Void:
(Any questions?
(Think I'm good)
(I'm probably good"
Behold the Void:
(In that case, roll for initiative if you please)
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 1 => 2 + 1 = 3
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+3 => 10 + 3 = 13
* Prof rolls: d10+2 => 1 + 2 = 3
my Dex is higher
(Make that 12)
Behold the Void:
All right
Behold the Void:
I am going to use some Mages to represent your credibility
Behold the Void:
Oh, when attempting to lower your opponent's credibility
Behold the Void:
Or vice-versa
Behold the Void:
That will get a defending roll
Behold the Void:
Otherwise we're looking at set difficulties
Behold the Void:
Baun: Maes, what is the meaning of this? You above all else should know a council is not to be called unless the matter is of grave importance.
Bjorkus: "And of grave importance, it is!"
Behold the Void:
Baun: We don't have time to listen to a baby royal's wild tales of war and betrayal. I think, young lady, you need to return to the castle and stop playing these games.
Behold the Void:
Baun: Your father would be ashamed to hearone of his own children, even one as unmanageable as YOU, is wasting precious time with this nonsense
Behold the Void:
(Baun is attacking your credibility, one of you may defend)
(Queen's getting this)
(That was personal)
Behold the Void:
(Make your counter-statement)
"I suppose I shall offer prayers of apology to his memory once I have time to visit my father's grave. He lies dead and the capital has been sacked by the Isgardian army! I'm here to seek aid and to warn you before they move further and crush your baronies one by one."
Behold the Void:
(That's a wash, roll Resolve without bonuses)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+5 => 10 + 5 = 15
Behold the Void:
A collective gasp echoes throughout the barons
Behold the Void:
Your firm words and the strength of your conviction makes them receptive to your words
Behold the Void:
And raises your credibility by 2
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(You are now rolling with +1
Behold the Void:
"I am Queen Myrina Almida of Aesthelad, and I am here to tell you that the entire country is in grave danger. Cowardly Isgardians murdered my father and the wielders of the Arch Blades, then marched on the capital. The Royal Guard valiantly blunted their advance, but their army easily outnumbers any noble in Aesthelad. Only by banding together can we repel these evil invaders before they swallow us up like a wolf scattering and devouring its prey."
Behold the Void:
(+1 to your roll)
Behold the Void:
(Oh, and +1 valor to Myrina for telling off the shithead so well)
(Intuition or Resolve?)
Behold the Void:
(Could go either way, so you choose)
(Gee I dunno)
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+7 => 2 + 7 = 9
Behold the Void:
Emmeel: While we do not wish to doubt her majesty, even together could we truly stand against the full might of the Isgardian army?
Behold the Void:
(No change)
Behold the Void:
(Specify who you're targetting or I'll just assume first in line)
(If that counts as inspiring bravery or bravado, I forgot another +1 there. Also first in line is fine)
Behold the Void:
(Hmmm... I'd say so, it's a stirring speech. Marginal success, +1 to Emmeel's bar)
Behold the Void:
Henrich: "Even if what the Queen says is true, what can we do? Should we not attempt to negotiate with Isgardia instead of face their legions? They would crush us in an instant."
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
Behold the Void:
Wendel: I agree. It is not wise to face the Isgardians like this. Is diplomacy really out of the question?
Behold the Void:
(Wendel bar -2, Bjorkus)
Is going to remain silent and observe for now.
Behold the Void:
(Can I charge Valor?)
Behold the Void:
(In general, go ahead and declare if you're going Resolve or Intuition, I'll say something if I disagree with your being able to use that stat)
Behold the Void:
(Yes you may, let's say just +1 valor for noncombat sound good?)
(Sure, doing that)
Behold the Void:
(Or do we want to keep it +2?)
(Eh, +1 is plenty)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(I rather agree)
"I'm not the brightest person, but I don't think that diplomacy is an option when they send an army to march on your kingdom in a surprise attack. It seems more like a declaration of war to me."
Behold the Void:
(Roll it)
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 4 => 1 + 4 = 5
(my bad, that was resolve by the way)
Behold the Void:
That'll go against Emmeel since no one was specified
Behold the Void:
He seems to want to hold on to diplomacy however, his bar goes down by 1
Behold the Void:
(Don't forget due to your credibility you're rolling at +1)
(pfft, then it would be a 6, not much better)
Behold the Void:
(+1 Valor, initiative resets)
Behold the Void:
Baun is once again attacking your credibility
Claud gives Bjorkus a nudge and whispers to him. "Don't go silent on us now, talk about your lord or whatever."
Behold the Void:
And who is this lout? Why does the supposed Queen of Astheled stand besides a disreputable-looking oaf and a minotaur? Truly, what game is this, your "majesty"?
Behold the Void:
(Myrina countering again?)
(Claud is gonna counter this one)
Behold the Void:
(Go for it)
"This LOUT happens to be the chosen wielder of an Arch Blade. You're lucky that Aestheld even has an Arch Blade on its side when the other three were stolen! I, and my weapon, side with Queen Myrina and none other. If you don't want to recognize her as your queen, then you may as well just surrender your lands and burn your fields now."
Behold the Void:
(That's pretty hardcore, take an additional +2)
Behold the Void:
(Credibility bonus doesn't apply to rolls against credibility)
* Tomiko rolls: d10+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
Behold the Void:
Another gasp as the Arch Blade is revealed raises your credibility even higher. You now have +2 to all rolls
Behold the Void:
"The choice is simple. We can all band together and fight Isgard as one, or we can hem and haw like Baun and Henrich want to do and wait for them to simply roll over us. We've got to work together." (Targeting Godric, just to be different.)
Behold the Void:
+1 for this roll, go ahead and roll it
* Nerdo rolls: d10+9 => 1 + 9 = 10
(Overdrive for +5, spending 3 Valor)
Behold the Void:
Godric considers this carefully and frowns, before nodding. "Yes, yes, our Queen makes a great deal of sense here. Alone we are nothing, but together, we may just stand a chance."
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
Henrich: Wendel my friend, please, you must be the voice of reason here. It is insane to even contemplate such a course of action
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 5 + 6 = 11
Behold the Void:
Wendel nods. "Standing against Isgardia is suicidal, I cannot subject my people to it.
Behold the Void:
Wendel's bar drops by 1
Behold the Void:
(Should a bar reach persuaded for or against, you will have one chance to bring them back to indecision by rolling 15 or more. If you fail to roll at least 15, the bar will lock)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(OOC: Attacking enemy credibility with Intimidate bonus via Resolve)
Bjorkus suddenly stands. No, he wasn't standing before, he's just tall enough that it seems like he already was.
Bjorkus: "I have but one question for these gathered barons."
Bjorkus: "When did Aesthelad's royalty stop being men and turn instead to the path of terrified children?"
Bjorkus: "Your cities burn! Your people die! What purpose does the aristocracy serve if not to deliver its nation from its darkest hour?"
Bjorkus: "And yet here you sit, doing nothing! I need not ask why. You are afraid!"
Bjorkus: "Your fear possesses you, and you hide behind your rank, using politics as a petty excuse to take no action when action is needed!"
Bjorkus: "Whether Isgardia fills your coinpurses, I care not. By all means, children of the barony, turn a deaf ear to our plight, but it is you yourselves who shall suffer for your cowardice!"
Behold the Void:
Well damn
Behold the Void:
* Prof rolls: 1d10+9 => 3 + 9 = 12
Behold the Void:
Henrich: Isgardia is civilized, unlike you Zeiban barbarians. Such nonsense will not stand.
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
Behold the Void:
The looks of the other barons, however, show they are a bit afraid at Bjorkus's words
Behold the Void:
And Henrich and Baun lose some credibility
Claud gives Bjorkus a friendly jab. "Nice job!"
Behold the Void:
And now roll with a -1 penalty
Behold the Void:
Bjorkus folds his arms, but otherwise makes no reaction to Claud's jab.
"Your baronship, don't bother listening to these old snake-tongued traitors. They were the ones who brought up betrayal and traitors without anyone else mentioning it. And you know that saying. How does it go? Guilty parties make more moves?"
(going after their credibility, I can do that right?)
Behold the Void:
(Yes you can)
Behold the Void:
(+2 to your roll)
Behold the Void:
Baun: How DARE you!?
(just +2, right?)
Behold the Void:
(Just +2, no credibilty bonus when rolling vs. credibility)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 3 + 6 = 9
* Tomiko rolls: d10+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
Behold the Void:
Credibilty drops more, but not enough to bring them to -2
Behold the Void:
Initiative resets
Behold the Void:
Baun, you can tell, is getting a little desperate
Behold the Void:
Baun: Surely such a man cannot be an Arch Knight! Look at his posture, his lack of regard for our station! Perhaps he has hoodwinked our dear Queen, perhaps HE is the true traitor here!
Behold the Void:
(Defend credibility)
(I'll take this)
Behold the Void:
(Go for it)
Myrina: "An Arch Blade chooses who an Arch Blade chooses. Manners and personal hygiene aside, I trust this man with my life and the defense of the crown now."
She neglects to mention this is because she offered him a ludicrous reward to do so
Behold the Void:
+1 to that
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
Behold the Void:
Youu have maxed your credibility, it is now locked and you have +3 to your rolls
"HEY!! I keep good hygiene!!"
Behold the Void:
"Forget Baun and Henrich. What matters here is your choice as peers of the realm. As Queen, I respect your autonomy, but I also expect you to join in our common defense. Not because of fealty or even honor, but as a simple matter of maintaining all of our independence from Isgard." (Godric)
Behold the Void:
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+9 => 10 + 9 = 19
(Wasn't sure if that was Inspire or not)
Behold the Void:
(I'll give you inspire)
Behold the Void:
(Which should bring you up to 20, yes?)
Behold the Void:
Godric is now maxed
(Which bar is who?)
(mouse over to see)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
In the interest of moving this along
Behold the Void:
I'd say you guys pretty resoundingly have this one
Behold the Void:
So Maes is going to bring this matter to a vote
Behold the Void:
With 4 ayes and 3 nays, the barons
Behold the Void:
(Sorry, but we have a whole combat encounter to get through)
Behold the Void:
(If you want we can finish it, but in the interest of time)
(We seem to have won.)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(I leave it up to you guys, continue on to the next scene?)
(I think we should, we've been at this for 2 hours now)
Behold the Void:
(All right)
Behold the Void:
So after the vote, Baun and Henrich are none too pleased
Behold the Void:
Baun: Foolish little Queen. If you had known your place, we wouldn't have to resort to such means.
Behold the Void:
With a snap of his fingers, soldiers flood in, leveling their swords at you
Claud cracks his knuckles. "Excellent, I was getting bored with all the politics!"
Behold the Void:
Baun: No matter. If we deliver the sole surviving heir to Isgardia, we will secure our station. Astheled's time is long passed, even if you are foolish to see it!
Behold the Void:
(Foxfire, go ahead and intro and then roll initiative everyone)
"I wish I could say I was surprised, but at least I get to take you weasels down myself!"
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+2 => 10 + 2 = 12
* Prof rolls: 1d10+2 => 4 + 2 = 6
* Tomiko rolls: d10+0 => 3 + 0 = 3
(oops, that should have been +1 so 4)
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
Behold the Void:
*What's the goblin's name?
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+3 => 2 + 3 = 5
The northern wall of the chamber goes down in a thunderous explosion.
"More of them?!"
"Is that a hint of TREASON MOST FOUL that reaches my ears?"
"Grishary Blaznaz at your service, Majesty. Call me Blintz, it's shorter in the heat of the moment."
The goblin bows.
"What are you? A tiny minotaur?"
"If you're on our side, Blintz, glad to have you."
It is a bow full of jingles and distressing clanks.
"Help us take care of these goons, would you?"
Behold the Void:
One of the nobles snarls
Behold the Void:
Baun: I could do without the interruption
Behold the Void:
Raising his hand, he hurls a bolt of flame at Blintz
Behold the Void:
(Blintz defend Aura)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
(By the way, Claud is entering with a Clash action Prepared)
Behold the Void:
(Sounds good, expend the ST for that one now)
(already did)
(sub int, putting her initiave at 12)
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+5 => 9 + 5 = 14
Behold the Void:
(I'm going to use the new ruling, subbing intuition will only lower your initiative for the next round)
(But sub penalties are doubled)
Behold the Void:
(Right, so -2)
Behold the Void:
Blintz takes 38 damage less resistance
Behold the Void:
Give me the damage number
Behold the Void:
Wait, 41 damage, this is empowered
(41-12 = 29)
Behold the Void:
And 10 damage for the next 3 rounds
Behold the Void:
Starting on her turn
Behold the Void:
Speaking of which! Blintz, take 10 damage and go
"Ouch ouch ouch I'd like to avoid that in the future, make a note of it."
(Actually, gonna delay turn!)
Behold the Void:
Blintz is delaying
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(Foxfire let me know when you are ready to take your turn)
"Blintz! Stop drop and roll next time!"
(Double move and use Fortification on Blintz, adding Iron Defense)
Behold the Void:
Heinrich: Not so fast, princess!
Behold the Void:
He raises his arm and this time a pillar of ice engulfs Myrina
Behold the Void:
(Myrina defend Aura)
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
Behold the Void:
41 damage
Behold the Void:
What's the total after resistance?
Behold the Void:
11 damage for the next 3 turns
Behold the Void:
Myrina feels the ice sapping at her strength
Behold the Void:
And chilling her to the bone
Behold the Void:
Attack action for second move
And intimidating the soldier directly east of Bjorkus
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+3 => 3 + 3 = 6
Behold the Void:
The soldier just crumples under his gaze
Behold the Void:
And probably wets himself
Behold the Void:
(Bringing mooks back by the by)
(Wait, what just happened)
(Oh OK)
Behold the Void:
The others, however, advance forward to block your path
Behold the Void:
Blintz defend against one muscle attack
Behold the Void:
Bjorkus, defend against two
Subbing Int again!
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 vs. Blintz => 4 + 4 = 8
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10 + 5 => 5 + 5 = 10
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 10 + 5 = 15
Behold the Void:
Blintz manages to see the path of the attack and dodges
Behold the Void:
But has -6 total to her initiative next round
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
(taking turn after this if possible)
Behold the Void:
Bjorkus takes a jab, but blocks the other one. With his face.
Behold the Void:
25 damage to Bjorkus
Behold the Void:
Blintz steps around the soldier, fishes a small object out of her sleeve, and throws it down hard at the feet of the fellow in the center.
Behold the Void:
(Remember, moving out of an adjacent space to an enemy is 2 movement, not 1)
Behold the Void:
(But I think you're OK on that one since you didn't move much)
(she's still next to the enemy, too)
(Still 2 move)
Behold the Void:
(Enemy ZOC is difficult terrain.)
Behold the Void:
(Just throwing out that as a reminder)
(aah, thanks)
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+6 (Int attack, Explosive Strike) => 2 + 6 = 8
Behold the Void:
Is this vs. all enemies?
just that one guy
Behold the Void:
Anyway subbing muscle
(and it is 49 damage)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
Behold the Void:
But yeah, vs. both of them?
Behold the Void:
Or just one?
just one!
Behold the Void:
Go ahead and delete the one you were targeting then
Behold the Void:
(delete the huh?)
(Whichever soldier you were targeting, righ-click and delete)
Behold the Void:
It's a mook, if it gets hit by any attack it goes down
Behold the Void:
Or by an intimidate
(I can't)
Behold the Void:
Generally, they're there to slow you down
Behold the Void:
Top or bottom right?
"Looks like you guys can handle this with the little minotaur. I'll just hang back here until you need me." (Charing +2 valor)
(top right...? The one in front of Myrnia)
Behold the Void:
(thank you)
"I am a goblin, thank you very much."
Behold the Void:
All right, initative resets
Behold the Void:
+1 valor
"Do you perhaps require spectacles?"
Behold the Void:
Two more soldiers rush in
"I daresay I could craft you a fine pair"
"A goblin? You mean like the kids dress up during the Festival of Masks?"
Behold the Void:
Baun raises his arms and incants a spell in a booming voice
Behold the Void:
He then throws a fireball at Myrina, which explodes on Bjorkus and Blintz as well
Behold the Void:
(Everyone defend Aura)
Covering Myrina
"A goblin, a natural artist in the realms of smithery and craAAUGH"
subbing muscle both times
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 9 + 5 = 14
* Tomiko rolls: d10+4 no sub => 7 + 4 = 11
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4, subbing resolve => 5 + 4 = 9
Behold the Void:
Tomiko you're fine
Behold the Void:
Blast centered on Myrina, 1 space
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 vs. Blintz => 5 + 6 = 11
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
Behold the Void:
Blintz takes 54 damage
Behold the Void:
As does Bjorkus, in addition to 7 chip damage
Behold the Void:
Myrina takes 11 damage from the icy engulf
Behold the Void:
Bjorkus: "Are you well, Queen?"
"I'm fine! You don't have to do that every time."
"Gods I hate mages."
(Whirlwind attacking those two minions)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+4 => 10 + 4 = 14
"I am becoming considerably less fond of them myself."
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 9 + 4 = 13
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
Behold the Void:
One goes down
Behold the Void:
Henrich: Trust me, princess, we are quite unfond of you.
Behold the Void:
He raises his arms and a pillar of ice engulfs Myrina from below her feet
"I shall regardless!"
Behold the Void:
(Defend Aura)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 7 + 6 = 13
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+5 subbing resolve => 1 + 5 = 6
Oh for
"You are the center of our Jagd-Ra, and I shall serve the will of God as such."
Behold the Void:
Myrina takes 54 damage
Behold the Void:
+1 valor to Bjorkus
Myrina grits her teeth at the icy blast again.
Behold the Void:
Myrina manages to bust out of the pillar, but it fuckin' hurt
Behold the Void:
Blintz takes another 10 damage from the fire attack and staggers. She's at critical health.
She starts swearing and fiddling with various mysterious mechanical items in her coat, which have become damaged in the fracas. (Compulsion Flaw, -Fast Action)
Satisfied with the results, she limps to the center of the room, hauls out a pair of nasty looking dart pistols, and opens fire on all three soldiers.
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 5 + 4 = 9
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4 => 6 + 4 = 10
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 2 + 4 = 6
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
Behold the Void:
One of them goes down, the other two remain standing
Behold the Void:
Hammering the shit out of that poor hapless future victim of Extreme Religion!
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 5 + 5 = 10
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 7 + 4 = 11
Intimidate on same.
Behold the Void:
He BARELY manages to dodge, but he's not too thrilled about this
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 8 + 5 = 13
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+3 => 9 + 3 = 12
Bjorkus: "Repent now, and I shall spare your life in the infinite mercy of Lord God."
Behold the Void:
The soldier moves in to take a stab at Blintz
Behold the Void:
(Defend muscle)
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+4, subbing resolve => 7 + 4 = 11
Behold the Void:
The soldier is no match for your resolve!
Behold the Void:
"My family has a long and noble tradition of not being stabbed."
Claud is charging again. "That's certainly a legacy to pass down."
"...That blade isn't a fake, is it?"
"Would you get up here and do something already?"
"I will be very very put out if it is."
"Aside from the ice pilar, you guys seem like you have it under control."
"Put a barrier on the door or something!"
"Please tell me he's not always like this, I don't think I could take that."
Behold the Void:
The sound of running can be heard, more soldiers are on their way
Behold the Void:
Baun moves back and raises his hand, engulfing Myrina in a pillar of flame
Behold the Void:
(Defend Aura)
Behold the Void:
(Bjorkus defend)
sub Resolve
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 2 + 6 = 8
Behold the Void:
Bjorkus emerges from the flame unscathed
Behold the Void:
Baun looks a fair bit put out at this
Behold the Void:
"You've got no more guards left. Are we going to settle this like men, or are you gonna run?"
(Challenge Henrich)
Behold the Void:
Henrich: Foul-mouthed wench! You should have died with the rest of your kin
Behold the Void:
He is, however, eying the exit desperately
Behold the Void:
And consequently not accepting your challenge and losing
Behold the Void:
2 valor or 4? I don't remember
Behold the Void:
You lose nothing for rejecting a challenge
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(Looking at 0.9.1, you lose 2 valor
only for breaking it once it starts
Behold the Void:
There seems like there should be a penalty for that
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
I thought there was
It just seems...
Behold the Void:
It's not very valorous to refuse a challenge
If the challenge is refused, the one who refused the challenge loses 2 Valor.
whatever, I'll look at it later
Behold the Void:
I'll stick with -2 for now
Behold the Void:
So he's at -1 and is rolling at -1
Behold the Void:
"Tch. A coward and a traitor."
Myrina proceeds to beat the everloving shit out of him with her halberd.
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
Behold the Void:
(Aren't you able to sub resolve for this?)
(An attack? Uh...)
Behold the Void:
(Or did you not take the skill?)
Behold the Void:
Well, however it happens, you DO hit
55 damage
Behold the Void:
Resolute strike is the skill by the by
Behold the Void:
He takes 46 damage
Behold the Void:
Backs away and launches an ice lance at you
(Guess I'll take that next level)
Behold the Void:
Myrina defend aura
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+5 => 6 + 5 = 11
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
Behold the Void:
Myrina takes no damage
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(Shit totally forgot that you are using Resolve now, my apologies you should have gone earlier)
"You think your petty schemes and your magic are a match for me? I HAVE THINGS TO DO, AND YOU ARE GETTING IN MY WAY!"
Behold the Void:
(You can move through ally spaces if it matters)
Behold the Void:
(But moving out of your current space will be 2)
blintz gets her pistols under control (reload)
and smacks the guard with another grenade
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+4 => 3 + 4 = 7
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+5 => 2 + 5 = 7
Behold the Void:
The guard goes down
Behold the Void:
"It's just you and us now, fellas!"
And I'm gonna use one of our new rules for 095 here
Behold the Void:
I was about to say
Behold the Void:
You may use your Support 1/2 move
and use my Support Action for a half-length Move Action
And hammer the fuck out of some wizards.
north first
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 10 + 5 = 15
* Prof rolls: d10+5 => 9 + 5 = 14
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+5 => 9 + 5 = 14
Overdrive the first one
Behold the Void:
They both take a beating
43 physical damage
Behold the Void:
34 damage to each!
Behold the Void:
Heinrich is at critical HP
Behold the Void:
(which one is Baun?)
Behold the Void:
(Baun is the top one)
Behold the Void:
That is a rather large move
(speedy bloke)
Double Move action, Double Overdrive
Behold the Void:
You don't need to overdrive twice for that
Behold the Void:
I don't think
his move is 3
Behold the Void:
Doubles your move for this next combat round
Behold the Void:
So, one overdrive and a double move should about do it
nah, the wording is that it doubles Speed for one move action
Behold the Void:
oh is it? Nevermind then
that's also tricky wording
Behold the Void:
We'll discuss it
since it implies that you could spend 9 valor to get x8 move
Behold the Void:
I do have a thought for that one
Behold the Void:
That it does
I'll get to it post-session
Behold the Void:
(Char! Char! Char!)
oh, I figured it would be that it doesn't stack
Behold the Void:
How about for now
(The red ones go fasta)
Behold the Void:
One overdrive, applies for the entire combat round
Behold the Void:
That seems fair
Behold the Void:
Any support action?
getting to that
Behold the Void:
Claud gets right in Baun's face and grins. "Hey, how would you like to take this Arch Blade for yourself? If you can strike me down in one shot, you can have this thing, give it to the Isgargians. I'll be they'll give you even more land and servants than you already have. You're confident in your magic, aren't you? Come on, strike down the lout."
Behold the Void:
Baun titters nervously and does not meet your gaze, losing 2 valor
Behold the Void:
Initiative resets! +1 valor!
Behold the Void:
Baun and Henrich are now at 0, by the by
Behold the Void:
They are also against a wall
Behold the Void:
But Baun is first going to drop a fireball on Claud, Bjorkus and Myrina
Behold the Void:
(All of you defend Aura)
Behold the Void:
ho shit
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 5 => 4 + 5 = 9
oh wait
Behold the Void:
Clash successful!
+ 2 also, from the tech level
Behold the Void:
Oh wait
Behold the Void:
Right, Tech level
Behold the Void:
Is it core level or tech level?
Behold the Void:
So, 15 for Baun
core is like the weight of the tech
Behold the Void:
16 for Claud
Behold the Void:
It totally makes sense
Behold the Void:
I'm just making sure I don't need to change it
Behold the Void:
do we still need to defend?
Behold the Void:
Fireball is negated
Behold the Void:
And you hit Baun with your tech instead
Behold the Void:
damage/damage type?
Claud stops Baun right in his tracks, hitting him right in the face with an explosive fist for 43 damage
Behold the Void:
34 damage!
Behold the Void:
Not yet critical
Behold the Void:
"Tsk tsk. You should have taken my offer."
Behold the Void:
Dunno if it matters
Behold the Void:
But if you have 1 speed left, you can move through one more space of difficult terrain
Behold the Void:
As everything rounds up
that wasn't his turn though
(I was kinda counting on that to be able to do any melee whatsoever, really)
Behold the Void:
I am talking to Nerdo
oh, my bad
Behold the Void:
But if you wanted to whirlwind, for example, you could move in between them
Myrina swings her halberd down, going for the kill.
Behold the Void:
Fair enough!
* Nerdo rolls: 1d10+4 => 4 + 4 = 8
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 10 + 6 = 16
(What's he resisting with, anyway?)
Behold the Void:
Henrich reads the trajectory and moves out of the way
Behold the Void:
He's down 4 initiative next round
Behold the Void:
But this round
Behold the Void:
It's his turn
Behold the Void:
And he's going to attempt to frost nova centered on the space behind Bjorkus
Behold the Void:
(Claud, Bjorkus and Myrina defend Aura)
cover Myrina
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 vs. Claud => 1 + 6 = 7
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 3 + 6 = 9
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
* Prof rolls: d10+5 (muscle) => 7 + 5 = 12
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 4 => 10 + 4 = 14
* Prof rolls: d10+5 (muscle) => 9 + 5 = 14
Behold the Void:
You guys defend resoundingly
Behold the Void:
fuckdamnit I forgot again, so sorry Foxfire
Behold the Void:
Blintz charges forward, unshouldering the something which up until now has formed the majority of the mass under her coat.
She is grinning like a child on Noelmas Day
(this is now a goblin holiday)
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
(I am excited to see where this is going)
"So you boys like your FIRE, do you? GUESS WHAT."
"SO DO I."
Behold the Void:
+2 valor for making the DM grin
A gout of flame shoots out of the contraption, going across the area containing the two mages.
Defend Int!
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+5 => 7 + 5 = 12
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+5 => 1 + 5 = 6
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 8 + 6 = 14
Behold the Void:
Henrich manages to avoid it, Baun does not
Behold the Void:
Overdrive on Baun OVERDRIVE ON BAUN
Behold the Void:
Critical hit on Baun!
Behold the Void:
Is that with the crit damage there?
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
That's a pretty heavy attack
(what's a crit again this is my first time)
+attack stat
the one you add to damage
add it again
oh god, 70
Behold the Void:
oh also 10 damage and Blintz is no longer on fire
Crits are beautiful
Behold the Void:
The same, however, cannot be said for Baun
Behold the Void:
Who starts screaming in pain to the tune of 48 damage
Behold the Void:
He is BARELY standing
Behold the Void:
Blintz coos and pets her flamethrower gingerly as it steams.
Behold the Void:
Behold the Void:
1 more valor for that
"What the heck was that? A magic gun?"
Hammer Storm!
* Prof rolls: d10+5 (Baun) => 3 + 5 = 8
* Prof rolls: d10+5 (Other guy) => 9 + 5 = 14
"It is my crowning glory and the BEST OF ALL WEAPONS."
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 6 + 6 = 12
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 9 + 6 = 15
Behold the Void:
Both of them manage to avoid at the expense of a fair bit of initiative
Behold the Void:
Claud raises his fist and punches the ground, spreading a small, localized quake. "Tremor Fist!!"
whirlwind muscle, from top to bottom
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 5 => 1 + 5 = 6
* Tomiko rolls: d10 + 5 => 10 + 5 = 15
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 5 + 6 = 11
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 4 + 6 = 10
gonna Overdrive the first one
Behold the Void:
Hit on Henrich, Baun avoids
Behold the Void:
Hit on Baun
43 damage
Behold the Void:
Baun fucking drops
Behold the Void:
Henrich is barely standing
Behold the Void:
Initaitive resets! +1 valor!
Behold the Void:
Now that I actually REMEMBER it, Blintz
"Heh, who's a lout now?"
Claud plants himself on the floor. "I have no beef with this guy, you guys deal with it."
Blintz stalks up.
Behold the Void:
-1 valor to Claud
Behold the Void:
For being a dipshit
"I have plenty of beef, I have an entire herd of beef."
Flaming grenade, go!
* MadarFoxfire rolls: 1d10+5 => 4 + 5 = 9
* Behold the Void rolls: 1d10+6 => 1 + 6 = 7
Behold the Void:
Henrich is also now on fire!
Behold the Void:
He takes it even worse than Baun did, and also drops
Behold the Void:
Congratulations! You now have 2 traitors lying bloodied at your feet
Blintz sits on him.
"...okay. Miss Blintz, you're now in charge of diplomatic security."
Are they conscious?
Behold the Void:
Not at the moment
Thumbs up. "I hear and obey."
There's one more thing that must be taken care of.
Bjorkus headbutts Claud.
Behold the Void:
The other barons, who had been doing very important paperwork related business behind an upturned table as far away from the violence as possible
She then starts digging in her coat for rope.
Behold the Void:
All step forward and kneel before Myrina
They're mages it's not like they're gonna be able to bust it.
"Good call."
Claud rolls back a bit. "What gives?"
Behold the Void:
Maes: My queen, we pledge our fealty and support. The people of Astheled shall not falter while you command us!
Bjorkus: "Where were you when your liege was beset by fire and ice?!"
Bjorkus: "You are little better than the cowards who fell today!"
"And I won't fail you either. I am your Queen, and that means I'm going to lead you to victory, no matter what."
"You were there. I didn't need to be."
Bjorkus: "You have no shame! No pride!"
"No, not really."
Bjorkus: "You do not have the right to call yourself her majesty's bodyguard!"
"Hey, she's the one who called me that!"
"Take a walk whenever you want if you don't want to get paid. I've got business to take care of, like seizing these assholes' land and armies."
"I can do that, right?"
Behold the Void:
Maes smiles. "I certainly don't see any problem with that, do you gentlemen?"
Behold the Void:
The barons all shake their heads. They too have no problems.
And Myrina therefore has no orders of flamethrower use.
"They got theirs. That's what you wanted. And I think I will take a walk, now that the battle is over. Maybe I'll find Ludo." Claud walks off, whistling.
Behold the Void:
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