Jun 24, 2008 05:11
- 14:38 Abruptly awoken by the manager knocking forcefully on my door, informing me that rent was due. Is this a hotel or a tenement building? #
- 15:11 Reboot is back in production, though in a more limited but wider-reaching form! SQUEE!!! #
- 15:12 oops, forgot to add the link. #
- 16:33 Listening to SModcast, Kevin Smith's podcast.
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Jun 23, 2008 05:06
- 03:03 When dealing satellites I root for whoever I think tips better. It's a sad day when, down to an American and a German, i root for the German #
- 04:33 Just saw a guy who looked like Einstein if he'd listened to too much heavy metal. #
- 05:05 George Carlin is dead. This makes me terribly sad. One of the first celebrity deaths to really have an
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Jun 22, 2008 05:05
- 00:27 dammit, sat on the chair, and my headphone jack was under one of the legs. Now the wires are all messed up. Time to relearn how to solder. #
- 00:56 Just noticed that my passenger-side headlight is out. Now I get to try to find an auto parts store in Vegas. #
- 03:59 Get Smart was really funny. It even had a Chuck Norris joke. Steve Carrel was
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Jun 21, 2008 05:07
- 11:12 Practicing my ASL fingerspelling. Keep getting the signs for D and F backwards. #
- 12:37 The Wi-Fi at this hotel is incredibly sketchy. Starting to get really annoying. #
Jun 20, 2008 05:08
- 11:37 Oh my god. At the moment, I'm actually in the black. This will only last until the next gas fillup or rental payment, but it's nice for now. #
- 11:43 @ tannedin This would be awesome in the foyer of the house you will one day own: #
Jun 19, 2008 05:11
- 10:18 I need to sleep for work tonight, but the small child in my mind kicks and whines "I don' wunna go ta bed" #
- 19:14 Eight and a half hours of sleep, and my body is still craving more. I swear, I haven't felt truly rested since I got to this town. #
- 04:24 Unexpected voice mails inquiring as to my well being make me feel good. #
- 06:01 Have I
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Jun 18, 2008 05:18
- 04:46 I'm wearing a hoodie in the middle of the Las Vegas summer. Why? Because that's how damned cold I keep my hotel room. #
Jun 17, 2008 05:20
- 15:28 Sitting at the Yard House, looking back and forth between two TVs. One has the US Open, the other showing the Aut-Ger soccer game. #
- 15:53 Golf match is over, so I can focus on the soccer game. Congrats to Tiger. Great fight put up by Rocco #
- 15:55 There's a man across the bar from me with an eye patch. Let the pirate jokes commence. Arrrrgh
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Jun 16, 2008 05:19
- 07:01 Watching Deep Blue. Forgot that it's not a good movie, but it's damned entertaining. #
- 07:31 Meant Deep Blue Sea. I love Samuel L. Jackson's great, inspiring speech, immediately followed by chomp, chomp. #
- 08:17 Schools are cutting Gifted/Talented program budgets to ensure dumb kids pass state tests. This angers me to no end.
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Jun 15, 2008 05:13
- 14:47 At the theater again. Saw Hulk last night, seeing The Happening now. 4th movie in 2wks. It's the cheapest thing to do in Vegas. #
- 16:32 The Happening was good. Death scenes will freak a lot of people out. The kind of deaths you see in zombie movies. #