
Nov 30, 2008 00:41

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After watching the socially inept hottie Robert Pattinson on Tyra, I was immediately struck with a very bad case of Second-hand shame. I now come to realize it is all thanks to Ms. Banks. And so I quickly plead..Enough Tyra Banks. I beg you to cease you arrogant, self-indulgent talk-show conversations. End the holier than thou-you are helping ( Read more... )

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Comments 4

posky December 1 2008, 05:18:45 UTC
Tyra is like reverse feminism.


kelpie_girl December 2 2008, 11:09:27 UTC
OMG why? Just...WHY? I think I actually had a more fulfilling life before I saw that clip.


Tyra. . . justthedoorajar January 3 2009, 17:22:03 UTC
Why do they put this woman on television? Is it just a case of too much air time to fill or do people really like and listen to this airhead? There's certainly no accounting for taste (or lack of taste), is there?

And, please, someone explain the concept of "supermodel" to me. I can't think of anything more useless to be than a model. Why don't we have "super" garbage men, instead; at least, they perform a useful function within society. They clean up trash, they don't create more.

Tyra is a joke. Unfortunately, she seems to have no sense of humor; she probably wouldn't get herself. . .


sartresister April 1 2009, 19:12:35 UTC
The woman is kinda embarassing, isn't she? I like clips of celebraties behaving badly. They make me feel superior. That's always a good thing.


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