get a quote for the castle and said island? can you include like, i dunno, a fund for taking care of said castle and island for half a dozen life times? Look in the right places, it's not so hard
here's some ideas
January 8 2005, 05:13:48 UTC
Buy a life time supply of clean hookers (Unbroken ones) Domenatrix equipment, a private warehouse of sobes, how about some snow? Enough condums to protect the entire state of texas (Lord knows ya need it with the highest teen ranked pregnancy rate in the u.s. No offense anyone -->I'm a Northerner) campain for president by using all that money to fund your evil enterprize. (That'll cost at least half a billion right there) or you could go the easy way out, and buy all of Microsoft's excess stock, Bill Gates is worth only about 2 billion in stocks. So, you take half of it away, you will control half of the computers around the world! if any of this is offensive, my bad, but, consider that ey? Hope that helps, later bish-man. ;)
Re: here's some ideas
January 11 2005, 05:28:18 UTC
::Grins:: Glad another girl can see the beauty of hiring your own stockyard of bodies. Though, I have read a book and must tell all of you there is legalized prostitution, however, they are not called whores, and make about 2000$ a pop, they're called "Substitutes" or another word for em I can't remember but they are profesionals in the business of helping with erectile dysfunction through clinics and their job is to do what ever needed to the man seeking help for his erectile disfunction in lew of the fact that man does not have a regular or willing sexual partner to help him stimulate the proper changes. As to where I got this information, thank you college libraries. ^_^ could.....rose_in_despairJanuary 12 2005, 17:35:36 UTC
Buy me a new care, take over the mcdonalds food chain and turn it into a vegitarian surplus unit, then hire strippers for everyday of the year for me and laurie to molest.
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