Title: Surprise
Pairing: Implied NaoXSaga
Genre: Humor (well it's supposed to be...)
Rating: G...?
Summary: Nao's always full of surprises.
Chapters: 1/1 - COMPLETE
Word count: 243 words
Disclaimer: I do not own alice nine. except Nao X3
Author's Notes:
★ In Saga's POV
★ The title and the summary don't really have anything to do with the story -o-
We're having one of those live interviews again and I want nothing more than for this to be over so I could have lunch and whatnot. Somehow, our topic ended up being about pets. I just finished talking about Chiko, my cute little mutt XD, and it's now Tora's turn to babble about his cats.
I distractedly look out the window where the selected fans that get to see this live are. The ones closest to the window notice that my attention is on them and proceed to frantically wave at me. I smile and wave back, causing them to get hyped up more than they already were.
Anyway, I turn back to the interview, convinced that time would fly faster if I don't pay attention to it.
"How about Nao-san?" The interviewer asks.
"Well... I have a Tamagotchi." Everyone then laughs at the ridiculousness of his answer.
Nao's just full of surprises, isn't he?
"We can't really consider that as a pet, now can we?" The interviewer chuckles as Nao contemplates his answer.
"I feed, pet and play with it, so that counts, right?" I can't help but grin as his dorky laugh fills my ears.
"You do have a point there," he pauses to let out a chortle. "What do you name 'your pet' then?"
Nao immediately splits into a grin as he directly answers, "Sagacchi." They look at me with amused expressions and crack up.
He's always full of surprises.
Author's Notes:
★ ...well that was short XD And it was rushed and I didn't want to take too much time adding more. I was pretty happy how this turned out at first ^^
★ Comments are veeeeeeeeeeery appreciated♥
Thank you for reading ^o^v