Some asshole has been calling every day for the past week or so for my parents, saying "I'm Brandon Smith from Loan Modification, this is for you to reduce your existing interest payments without having to refinance". At least, I think that's what it's about... Nice try, Hadji. Your name is totally NOT Whatever "Smith", that's probably just what
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Comments 12
Corruption is tits. Try playing it on veteran or hypermode if you find the bosses a bit too easy. Hypermode is fucking insane. hits from the first boss were taking out almost entire tanks. And you only have two.
The idea of Hypermode scares me. And yet... the only times I've died in the current game is when the PED overloaded and turned me into TENTACLE SAMUS OH NOES.
Omega Ridley was tits. Especially compared to that dumbass Swarm Robot thing.
Normal mode on Prime 3 = normal damage, veteran = like, 50% or 100% more damage taken, and Hypermode is something like 300%.
I have played the first Prime on Hard; and I know I beat the game, it's just been too long to remember how evil Ridley got.
That is sad, I'm sorry. He was like, there through every high school phone conversation we ever had.
That's how I felt about Briar, except I cried a lot then, too.
I do get a kick out of Hunter and Rosie, still.
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