Link to Three Applications You Have Voted On
You can swallow a pint of blood before you get sick.2.
In every real man a child is hidden that wants to play.3.
This one time at band camp... I drank his blood. OopsAbout You…
Name: Brittany
Nicknames or Aliases: Britt...yeah nothing cool
Gender: Female
Age: 20
Location: Maryland
Who Were You Stamped As?
Regular: Claudia
Your Friends...
What Kind of Friends Do You Attract? Ones that are insane. Most of my friends are tons of fun to be around but boy we all have a lot of problems in our lives
What is Your Best Friend Like? She is fantastic she comes to pick me up when I am fighting with my fiance then is willing to take me home. She deals with my problems while working so hard to find herself and deal with her own problems. she is a complete introvert while I am an extrovert we balance each other nicely
What About Your Friends Makes You Comfortable Around Them? I suppose their ability to just except me and enjoy being around me despite my flaws
More Details...
Where can you be found late at night? In the living room on the computer with fox news on the tv as background noise
What sorts of activities do you do on your own? lately its just these stamping communities I have become so addicted
In general, do you ever talk to or let your guard down around strangers? Oh yes strangers are some of the best people to talk to and I love to talk. They bring an entirely fresh perspective to a situation.
Where would you like to exist as a vampire? Spare no details! Well I am a vampire so I have no limits! I will travel the world I have moved 20 times in my life (and I am only 20 years old) change is nothing new to me and seeing as how I have forever to live I can really take my time and see the world =)
What sort of vampire would you be drawn to? Someone with a strong personality, I can get bored with people so they would really need to have something special to draw me to them. I am a absolute 100% hopeless romantic so I would be drawn to them even more if I feel love is a possibility.
About Your Maker...
Are there any vampires you would rather not be turned by? Not really I can't think of one so I hope all you fine people can think of a good one for me
Do you have a preference when it comes to your maker’s gender? No not all
Would you be close to your maker or would you part ways soon after being turned? I doubt we stick together like glue I would like to maintain a relationship but have the ability to see the world on my own once I get used to the vampire lifestyle
Are there any other details about your ideal maker that you want to share? not really