Now time for the 2nd checkpoint!
Here is how the checkpoint works. We are keeping a spreadsheet for the authors including the current word count. Comment to the post with the below filled out. Please don’t skip any portions. Some explanation, if you aren't writing in a fandom put original, and type refers to gen, slash, or het.
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Comments 15
Fandom:Old World of Darkness
Characters/Pairings/Type: OC(Gangrel)/OC(Ventrue), mystery/horror
Current Word Count: 0
What I Like About the Story: Potential
What I Don’t Like About the Story: That I haven't started writing yet.
Anything Else: (personal issues that are making it hard to write, need someone to read through what you have and give feedback, need to rant a little?) I had RL issues. But in reality, I'm one of those people that gets creative near deadlines. I also can't start a story and see where it goes. I have to have a defined ending and some important plot points (or at least a few poignant lines) defined. Then the words flow easily. So, basically, still plotting, but I think I'll have everything ready when due.
Username: littlblackghost
Fandom: Bandom - My Chemical Romance
Characters/Pairings/Type: Frank/gerard
Current Word Count: 12k+
What I Like About the Story: That I'm kinda doing my own thing? I don't know, I'm just enjoying writing it :)
What I Don’t Like About the Story: Nothing, I don't think :)
Anything Else: Nothing :)
Fandom: Buffyverse
Characters/Pairings/Type: Faith / gen at the moment with slight Angel/Faith undertones
Current Word Count: 0 - I've been focused on a few other deadlines at the this time
What I Like About the Story: The idea that I have for it,
What I Don’t Like About the Story: The fact that I've been having a hard time sitting down and writing it out.
Anything Else: I've been struggling getting my words onto paper so I might end up focusing on another fandom or another story.
Fandom: True Blood
Characters/Pairings/Type: Tara, possible Tara/Pam and/or Tara/Eric
Current Word Count: About 2k
What I Like About the Story: Tara is very different from other muses.
What I Don’t Like About the Story: It's too much like the the recent twist of the show.
Anything Else: I've lost the muse. I caught up with season five and its...way too much like my idea so I don't know if it will hinder interest in the story.
Again, I'm sorry and maybe I can make it next year. Good luck to all my fellow participants.
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