Precious was very, very good. It is also at least a two-tissue movie, although it isn't a "sad movie" per se. If you can handle it I recommend you see it.
In not-related news, I have a haircut! It is on Facebook and much, much shorter. And awesome.
Thanks to the combination of the library being awesome and my book-buying habits, I currently have 11 Wheel of Time books in my room. I'm going to keep track of how fast I go through them, because I'm awesome like that. Edit The Second: If I finish them over winter break I'll be impressed. Robert Jordan sure does love his sexism and homophobia, and
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I am going to convince all the queers in the country to move to one state and our electoral votes will blot out the sun and we will use our newfound political power to ban straight marriage. THE TIME WILL COME, STRAIGHT PEOPLE. YOU WILL GET YOURS.
1) This is kind of the dumbest idea ever, because most of the people participating are queers who can't get married, teenagers who wouldn't get married anyway, and a handful of straight people. Even if we convinced all straight people in the U.S. to not get married, it's not like the wedding planning industry is large enough that its collapse will
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Having mysterious virus (I tested negative for flu) is about the most boring thing ever. The only symptoms I still have at this point are dizziness and fatigue, so once I wake up after sleeping for 14 hours, I can't get out of bed. Thank God for laptops but I AM SO BORED. The Internet can only entertain me for so long.
This summer I installed Gentoo. I learned a whooooole lot about Linux by doing that, because you have to install everything you need (like, say, the program that starts graphical applications instead of a command line). Except I have had a lot of Gentoo woes on my laptop, mostly due to wireless issues. Last night was the real deal-breaker for it: I
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