Title: After Dark
Rating: 18
Genre: Supernatural Horror
Band: Mejibray
Pairing: Koichi x MiA
Summary: The sun protects us, a shining beacon that has kept the darkness at bay. Evil fears it, for the light is their weakness and they shun it. Even the sun can't protect me now, nothing can. Except perhaps for the man I know only as 'Koichi'.
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Comments 5
It seems that dinner will be painful XD the idea of cloned blood replacing actual blood made me think of the hemodialysis machine ><' not that hemodialysis is painful (I don't know for sure, I've never gotten one XD) but it looks painful to me XD
So the pain would be in putting the tube in the arm in the first place, and the bite of the vampire's fangs. It would be fear and other emotions that made it so much worse than a normal feeding I think.
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