So it was roughly an hour ago that a very interesting conversation happened between me, Brea and our other roommate, Tia. She wanted to talk to both of us, so of course Brea and I thought, “Oh crap.” But she assured us it was nothing bad. So Brea lent up against the closet side of the dresser and I was on the door side, blocking the way out
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Comments 7
Monotheism is the belief in one god. Mono. Christianity, Catholicism, Buddhism (depends on who you ask), are monotheistic religions. Polytheism is the belief in more than one god. Paganism is a general term used for it. From what it sounds like, you're Wiccan (primarily nature oriented and Goddess focused).
I don't mean to sound haughty and patronizing, but I just get upset/annoyed when people say they're one thing and don't really know about it.
JW lesbians, though. ohgod. That's amazing.
I was raised by a baptist preacher but I've since become very interested in different forms of paganism. I don't talk about it around th ehouse though, cuz everyone looks at me like I'm nuts >.>
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