Not all of my music is on the laptop, so this could have been much cooler.
1. Open your music library
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that's playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
Opening Credits: Margaret vs. Pauline - neko case
Waking Up: lady madonna - the beatles
First Day at School: ex-supermodel - guided by voices
Falling in Love: hide and seek - imogen heep
Fight Song: megalomaniac - kmfdm
Breaking Up: Sour Times - portishead
Prom: notorious - duran duran
Life's Ok: miss teen wordpower - the new pornograpers
Mental Breakdown: pet - a perfect circle
Driving: bomb in a beehive - guided by voices
Flashback: carbon monoxide - regina spektor
Getting Back Together: nameless - jj72
Wedding: all i ask of you - phantom of the opera london cast
Birth of Child: Drive In - eternal sunshine soundtrack
Final Battle: backstabber - the dresden dolls
Death Scene: strings that tie to you - eternal sunshine soundtrack
Funeral Song: one of these days - pink floyd
End Credits: Mass Romantic - the new pornographers
so yeah... that's what I do with my day