I'm not sure... am I supposed to feel shitty about going to a better school than my brother if my father makes up for it by praising every single thing he does and saying only insults to me?
I don't really get that last comment, but no you're not supposed to feel shitty. It's just something she'll have to get over, that actually has nothing to do with you. My brother went to Sandy Spring Friends School. He had such a wonderful time and why not? SSFS is one badass school. I went to Montgomery Blair High School, a public school. Did I feel jealous? Yeah I felt jealous everytime I found something new not to like. Blair's the biggest school in Montgomery county, and doesn't have nearly as much money per student as its smaller (racist) kin in Potomac. Theoretically (especially if you listen to those in Potomac) it's a horrible school. Fact is the school still kicked ass once I actually started giving it a chance.
No, you're not. You were born first, yes. You're the experimental child. I'm one too, and it's not all good. You could feel shitty if you chose, and your brother could be jelious until he started attracting flies, but nothing's going to change the order in which you were born. Hence I suggest that you both accept your familial roles, and what particular benefits and hardships come with them. And make the young'uns spit-polish your boots once in a while.
Comments 4
just forget about
it doesnt matter anymore
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