XD Thanks!!!! *blushes* If you have any pictures for the ones that I missed...just let me know and I'll add them!!! There were some that were hard to find good shots for!!!!
I honestly love them cuz the pics you chose actually match the moods they are suppose to describe, and are not just random pics like other mood themes I've seen, kudos to you! ^^ cuz even if you missed like 2 or so they are still uber suave! I'll look to see if I have any of the missing moods though, doubt it though lolz
*blushes more* Thanks!!! It took a while to actually find the pictures that would work,m ya know? I have a lot of screen caps. O_O I'm happy with it though!
some of these people that make these journals really do need to go to design school, especially considering yours chantal is pitiful, awful to put it lightly. I mean damn i haven't gone to design school and i still make stuff better than your layout in my sleep....i wonder what it is going to be like when i am certified graphic art and web design. Well time to get back to working for a client and putting the finishing touches up on my site.
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