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Russian helicopter crew records on thermal camera a man, possibly a soldier armed with an assault rifle as the man is killed by Zombies (Runners)
victim assumed to me caucasian male Russian soldier. wearing overcoat, cape, or camoflage robe
attackers, 5 "natives, likely Zombie Runners, likely Causasian males
area, russian controlled, or russophones.
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Comments 2
There are several “but”.
Technical capabilities and quality of Russian thermal imaging systems are very strongly inferior to west. Therefore with the export of Russian technology customer usually requires establishing the western thermal imaging systems (usually French).
Saturation of the troops by thermal imaging systems at the level of the Stone Age.
Только вот озвучка очень реалистичная:
доклад обстановки-the report of situation:
(“comrade commander, I can him observe”
("Товарищ командир, могу его наблюдать")
“five pursue him” e.t.c.)
"Его преследуют пятеро" и т.д.),
the howl of horror (“Lord, My God! What's happening?!? They killed him!”)
вопль ужаса ("Господи-Боже мой! Что здесь происходит!? Они его убили!")
Вобщем,, звук рвоты. [Vobshchem],
the sound of vomiting.
they tried, if this they specially made a roller.
постарались, если это специально сделали ролик.
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