Emergency SE Regional Drives - Flood Relief and Oil Spill Cleanup

May 07, 2010 13:12

Hello SE Region, I'm sure everyone has heard of the flooding in middle
Tennessee and the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. By now you know that the
devastation and impact from both of these disasters is unreal. The SE Region
is running two emergency drives to aid relief and cleanup.

*May and June 2010 Emergency Drive: Flood Relief for Middle Tennessee

*This site breaks down everything you can do to if you have money, stuff, or
time. It has links to every relief organization involved.

*Important Dates*
Drive starts: May 1, 2010
Drive ends: June 30, 2010
**Prestige is due to ARC Charities by the 1st of each month**
Prestige announced by RC on 15 of each month

*Prestige Guidelines*
1R for $3 donated or spent on shipping
5R per hour volunteered in flood relief efforts
1-10R per item donated to relief agencies in that area

*May and June 2010 Emergency Drive: Oil Spill Cleanup for the Gulf of Mexico

Volunteering or cash:
Cleaning supplies, other items, or cash:
Hair clippings, pet fur clippings, or nylons (all help soak up the oil):

*Important Dates*
Drive starts: May 1, 2010
Drive ends: June 30, 2010
**Prestige is due to ARC Charities by the 1st of each month**
Prestige announced by RC on 15 of each month

*Basic Prestige Guidelines*
1R for $3 donated or spent on shipping
5R per hour volunteered in oil cleanup efforts
1-10R per item donated to cleanup agencies in that area
*Information for Coordinators*
Local coordinators will collect relief items, receipts for cash donations,
and proof of volunteering, both for the flood relief and for the oil
cleanup. Local coordinators will also organize shipping for items to the
affected areas. Some organizations (such as Second Harvest / Feeding America
and the Salvation Army) will ship local donations to the affected areas if
you ask. Check to make sure.

Each coordinator will be required to keep a list detailing how many items
each member donates and where the donations went, and to keep online
receipts and volunteer documentation. Volunteer documentation must be signed
off by the relief agency.

The maximum amount of Regional prestige each emergency drive allows is 30R.
Members can earn 30R for the flood relief drive and 30R for the oil spill
cleanup each month. The literacy drive for this month is still in effect, so
members can earn Regional prestige from that as well. Remember, the catagory
of Community Service caps out at 70 per month. So if members participated in
the Haiti relief, literacy drive, and both these drives, they are still
capping out at 70 per month. No exceptions.

Coordinators, your prestige recommendations must be received no later than
11:59 CST on the first of each month.

Send your prestige recommendations to:
us-se-coord@cammail.white-wolf.com - SE coordinators' list
whitewynd@yahoo.com - Deb the RC
secharities@gmail.com - Me

Use this subject line for flood relief: Regional Emergency Drive, 2010 -
Flood Relief
Use this subject line for oil cleanup: Regional Emergency Drive, 2010 - Oil
Spill Cleanup

Only CCs and DCs can send in these prestige recommendations. Awards for late
recommendations are made at the sole discretion of the RC, so please send
your recommendations on time. Also, include the recommendations in your
regular report to us-se-reports@cammail.white-wolf.com - Another SE
coordinators' list.

List items on your report in the following format:
first name last name membership qty type - size
One line per member per category of donation.


Deb Pelletier Clark US2002022584 15 cans food
Deb Pelletier Clark US2002022584 $20
Deb Pelletier Clark US2002022584 2 hours volunteered

Prestige will be awarded by regional. Just list the amounts donated, and
Regional staff will calculate the prestige for you.
*Ending Remarks*
If you have any questions, please let me know.
The devastation from both these disasters is massive and will be felt for a
very long time. If you can help even a little bit, please do what you can.

Amanda González
ARC Charities - SE Region
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