Sexy Bitch

May 29, 2014 01:10

Title: Sexy Bitch
Paring: Wontaek
Rating: NC 17
Warning: Cat Leo, rimming, pwp
Summary: Taekwoon’s got an itch and Wonshik seems to be the only one who will scratch it.

Here )

pairing: wonshik/taekwoon, rating: nc 17

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Comments 6

ciel_funtom95 May 30 2014, 19:32:59 UTC
That was... completely nice *^* thank you for sharing and writing and everything *^*


vampyluv May 30 2014, 20:25:24 UTC
Thank you for reading and commenting! I am happy you liked it! :>


jaenoona June 11 2014, 05:00:36 UTC
Wooooooow cat!Leo is so awesome!


bleepsoftheblop November 21 2014, 21:15:52 UTC
*Curls up into ball* OMG SO GOOD

But I have to ask...why all the hate towards Taek when it comes to Hak and Hong?


vampyluv November 24 2014, 03:44:01 UTC
Thank you!! Omg haha :>

Ahhhhh I was hinting at Hyukbin and Haken so that was why they were angry and jealous! ^^


tylika October 12 2015, 01:11:05 UTC


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