So, I am finally done with this. Ha ha, I wounder if any one is going to read it.
A - AVAILABLE: Sadly, Yes.
B - BIRTHDAY: July 28th 1994
C - CRUSHING ON: Daesung of COURSE!! (And my Best friend he's amazing.) ((But not as amazing as Dae.))
D - DRINK YOU LAST HAD: Water. Yummy.
E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: My best friend, we let all our problems out around each other. Very relaxing.
F - FAVORITE SONG: I have way too many. But I guess, A fool's only Tears by Big Bang, would have to be number 1.
All 3 versions.
(Just because, when I was younger I would make them look like they were having sex)
H - HOMETOWN: Austin, Texas! What what! Ha ha. Just kidding. :P
I - IN LOVE WITH: Daesungie all the way!! He is definitely the essence of the perfect man. (To me at least)
J - JUGGLE: Ha ha, I can juggle 2 things at once. But any more then that, and I fail.
K - KILLED SOMEONE: This guy on Mortal Kombat. But that's it. I have yet to commit a single murder crime.
L - LONGEST CAR RIDE: About 12 hours. Drove from Austin, to New Orleans.
M - MILKSHAKE FLAVOR: Daesung Flavored? :D Ha ha, no I love Strawberry.
N - NUMBER OF SIBLINGS: 2 (Younger brother & Sister)
O - ONE WISH: To be able to go to a Big Bang Concert.
R - REASON TO SMILE: Daesung, but, Big Bang In general.
S - SONG YOU LAST HEARD: A-YO by Jinusean. (Have been listening to that song none-stop. Along with Telephone.
U - UMBRELLA COLOR/PATTERN: It's old, but I have a huge Rainbow colored one. It keeps me safe and dry.
V - VEGETABLE(S): ...Ew.
W - WORST HABIT: Ha ha, Hands down Procrastination. (Reason to my failing grades.
X - X-RAYS YOU'VE HAD: Ankle, after I slammed it into some big Metal toys when I was 5. Ow.
Y - YOYOS ARE: Terrible defices, that give me headaches when I try and figure them out. :(
Z - ZODIAC SIGN: Leo. Rawr! (Reason why it makes me happy, when Dae dresses up like a Lion.)
Random Questions About You:
Spell you name with out Vowels: l x s (Just realized I have a vowel every other letter in my name. Alexis)
Least favorite Color?: I don't think I have one. I like all colors.
What are you listening too?: Video Game music in the Background.
Are you happy with your life right now?: Eh, I guess. Nothing really to complain about so yeah.
What is your favorite Class in school?: ACC history 1301. I think that's the number. But It's really fun, since my favorite subject is History.
When do you start back at school/collage?: A long time ago, like a month.
Are you outgoing?: Of course! I am the chatter box, I always go up to random people and make friends.
Favorite Shoes?: My military boots. Make me grow 3 inches. :)
Where do you wish you were right now?: Daesung's arms. Ha ha. Truth.
(After I wrote my answer, I looked back at Daesung_fanatics, and nearly died, we wrote the same thing.)
Can you dance?: Depends, all by myself no. Terribly bad, and uncoordinated. With a previously practiced dance, yes.
Can you tie a cherry stem with your mouth?: Ha ha ha, no.
Can you whistle?: Yes. Am very proud about that.
Write with both hands?: No. But I can write backwards.
Walk with your toes curled?: Yes, But, I just look funny.
The DO'S:
Do you believe there is life on other planets?: Sure, why not. If there is life here, there can be life on other planets.
Do you believe in miracles?: Yeah, but small ones. Nothing to big.
Do you believe in magic?: Ha ha, silly tricks people say is magic yes. The other stuff, no.
Love at first sight?: Yes. Just because I am very optimistic.
Do you believe in Satan?: As much as I believe in god. (So No.)
Do you know how to swim?: Yes. Just learned actually. i went through the 'sink or swim' method of learning.
Do you like roller coasters?: Hell to the Fuckin NO!!!! (I am extremely terrified of heights. No joke at all.)
Do you think you could handle the stuff they eat on those reality shows?: I guess, I mean, I have tasted bugs before. Nothing to harmful.
Once you get passed it.
Have you ever asked someone out?: Yes, all my BF's and GF's.
Have you ever been asked out by someone?: No. Kinda makes me sad.
Have you ever been to the Ocean?: Yes, 4 times.
Have you ever Painted your nails?: Of course. I am about to actually paint them now.
What is the temperature outside?: The heck if I know, I never go outside. Always either too HOT, or too COLD.
What Radio station do you listen to?: Since I have wi-fi at my house, I listen to 2 regularly on my ipod touch, KBS world, and ArirangRadio.
But, I will occasionally listen to RadioSeoul, and JBC Radio. (Notice, how all 4 are Korean Radio stations. )
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Hmn, Mama Fu's, I think. Really yummy healthy food there.
What was the last think you bought?: My dongsaeng some Cookies at H.E.B. Ha ha. He's just so cute, I can't help but spoil him.
What was the last thing on TV you watched?: I don't really watch TV anymore, but the last program I watched was, Introducing a star's friend, when Daesung & Seungri guest stared.
The WHO'S:
Who was the last person you IM'd?: Hmn, I think it was my best friend.
Who was the last person you took a picture of?: My best friend again, it was for a project.
Who was the last person you told 'I love you' too?: Ha ha, My Best friend again. But, we were being silly.
Crying Section:
Ever Really Cried your Heart Out?: Yes, It was a very terrible time then though.
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: Yeah, was the same day, as the question before.
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: Yeah, I was feeling like crap that day. Everything just went down hill.
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: Once, but it was for something stupid.
Do you cry when you get an injury?: Yeah, like, when I scrap my hands or knees, or ect.
Do certain songs make you cry?: OF COURSE!!!! (I'm very emotional when it comes to certain songs.)
Happy section:
Are you a happy person?: Yes, But, since I am always so happy, the smallest sad, or angering thing, tends to set me off a bit in real life.
What can make you happy?: Listening to Big Bang, or just seeing any one of the members in a pictures.
Preferably Daesung though, Since he puts a smile on my face all the time.
Do you wish you were happier?: Ha ha, sometimes yes, sometimes no.
Can music make you happy?: Of course, it's why I listen to it very avidly.
Love Section:
How many times have you had your heart broken?: 0, Mainly because, any relation ship I form break's off before anything strong can grow.
Have you ever loved someone so much you would die for them?: No, I don't think so.
Look At Me:
What is your current hair color?: Dark brown-ish black.
Current piercing?: Just in my ears.
Have any tattoos?: No, But I really have a few in mind I would love to get.
Eye color?: Brown. But, not Hazel. Darker.
In a Boy/Girl:
Favorite Eye color?: Girl- Black, Boy- Dark brown.
Short or Long Hair?: Girl- Short, Boy- Long-ish.
Height?: Not too far off from mine on either.
Best clothing?: Really doesn't matter.
Have you Ever:
Been to Jail?: No. Almost though.
Mooned someone?: ...Almost.
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes, several times actually.
Cried at school?: Yes, a bunch, just because, I had depression issues as a kid. I would bottle it up, then let it go in crying fit's one day.
Thrown up in a store: No, almost though.
Done something really stupid you still laugh at today?: Nothing comes to mind.
Gone skinny dipping?: No, but I have watched other people do it.
This OR That:
Pepsi or Coke: Depends, but probably Pepsi.
McDonald's or Burger King: Burger King.
Single or Group dates: Depends.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Vanilla.
Strawberries or blueberries: Blueberries.
Meat or Veggies: Meat.
TV or Movie: Depends, Usually Movie.
Guitar or Drums: Drums, partly because of Dae, and also 'cause I can play them too.
Adidas or Nike: NEITHER!!!!
Chinese or Mexican: Chinese.
Cake or Pie: Pie.
MTV or VH1: Neither.
(Anyone can tag themselves.)