Title: Art for "Love As Thou Wilt"
van_maniacFandom: Merlin
Pairing: Merlin/Arthur
Rating: T
Warning: A Drawing contains Spoiler (minor character death) & Blood
Artist Notes:
reiya_wakayama story is one endless rollercoaster ride. It kept me constantly glued to my seat that I had to pry myself from it if not no art would have been done for this lovely fic. 'This story made me cry many times over and made me gasp from shock of the things that happen (in a good way). Not to mention I almost tossed my ipad to the side and screamed no at the top of my lungs when I found out I had reached the end of the parts sent to me, luckly the author was so kind to send me more. The art I made is mostly collages with meanings behind the images. One contains a spoiler and has been labeled ahead of time for those who wish to read the story first.
Special thanks goes out to
reiya_wakayama for her fantastic story, which you better believe I will read again, and
the_muppet for organizing such a wonderful event. Without neither of them I would have never made my very first Merlin fanart ever!!
Story Master Post Chapter/Part Intro Images (Full View at the end of this post if you prefer not to click each one individually)
Main Images
Cover/Main Image
This was intended to be like a movie cover or book cover, is mainly a collage of images that represent a place, thing, or meaning in the story. I wanted the tavern, where Merlin meets with his friend Gwaine, to blend with the trees around the castle. You can see the mountains and the carriage Merlin usually uses to move around.
Second Image
This one is two images in one. First we see Merlin in the nude, hiding the best parts under some sheets, and showing off his tattoo. You can see a bit of the markings around Merlin's wrists from all the bondage and such he has to go through. Then we see a silhouette of a dragon in the background.
Spoiler Ahead....!!!!
Minor Character Death
(well its not so much as minor minor, but it ain't one of the main characters)
This one is also a collage in a way in the sense that the carriage and flowers are a play with the emotions taking place in this scene. It was one of my favorite and yet extremely sad parts. I cried the most in this scene and the extremely devastation one feels when reading up to that point is all thanks to how amazing the writer expresses it.
Here are the chapter/part intro images in full view:
Thank you for stopping by and checking out my art. Please go check out the wonderful fic that inspired it and feel free to spam my comments section with all your amazing feedback.